Please rate this tab on its accuracy! Vamp: A2 B C#m7 C#m7 B/D# E2 Mighty is our God, mighty is our God F#m7 E2 B Mighty is our God Most high Verse1: A2 B With a blast of His nostril, He parted the sea C3m7 B You are God A2 B With a word of His mouth, He handles storms C#m7 B You are God A2 B You stretched forth your hands, and the blind man sees C#m7 B You are God A2 B With a word from your mouth, you raised the dead C#m7 You are God Prechorus: E/G# Awesome is Your name B Awesome is Your name Chorus: E F#m7 Mighty is Your name, Oh God A2 B We praise, You, our God Verse2: A2 B With the power to supply our every need C#m7 B You are God A2 B Raised the palm from the dust, set upon the throne C#m7 B You are God A2 B He is Protector, Deliverer, our Salvation C#m7 B You are God A2 B Your banner our us is love C#m7 You are God