Hi, I realized this beautiful song didn't have a tab so I made my own! I think it's pretty accurate, but please add corrections if I'm wrong! Thanks! CAPO 3 [Intro] Em G C C (x2) Em G C C After a storm Em G I want to be brave C C And keep you warm Em G And not fade away C C As we float from the shore Em G Into the light C C Into the unknown Em G Like thousands of lanterns C C Glowing with grace Em G In glorious silence C C Descending through space D To a friend G Bm A sister in need C Who is not alone G And they are surrounding her Bm D And they will enfold her outstretched hand Em G C C In our love Em G C C Em G Into the light C C It's hard to believe Em G It's always been ours to give C C And to receive D G Bm C C I want to be shameless like the sun G Moving into you Bm D Entering light Am Em Welcome G D Inch'Allah, Inch'Allah Am Em G D Am Em Enter one amazing grace is pouring down G D Fear not this light Am Em G D We are of this light divine Am Em So come G D We move as one Am Em G D Amazing grace is pouring down Am Em Fear not this light G D Am Em We are on this light divine G Welcome D Am G D D Enter one Em G C C After a storm Em G I wanna let go C C Of the things that I've done Em G Without any worry C C I wanna come home Em G Into the light C C Into the unknown D I want to be shameless G Bm C C Like the sun G Moving into you Bm D Enter light Am Em Welcome G D Inch'Allah, Inch'Allah Am Em G D Am Em Enter one amazing grace is pouring down G D Fear not this light Am Em G D We are of this light divine Am Em So come G D We move as one Am Em G D Amazing grace is pouring down Am Em Fear not this light G D Am Em We are on this light divine G Welcome D Am G D D Enter one