歌手头像-David Bowie

Even A Fool Learns To Love

音乐人: David Bowie

Song: Even a fool learns to love
Artist: David Bowie
English Lyrics: David Bowie
Music: Claude Francois & Jacques Revaux
Tabbed by DJ 5th Jun 2015

In 1968, before he was really famous, David Bowie was employed
by publishers to write an English lyric to a French pop hit
called 'Comme d'habitude'. Bowie's submission was unsuccessful,
and the publishers used a lyric by Paul Anka instead,
his version was called 'My way'.
Three years later Bowie partly based his own hit 'Life on Mars' 
on a similar chord sequence.
More information, and the first verse of Bowies' demo recording
at this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/profiles/
The demo first verse differs slightly from Bowie's typed lyrics,
for the tab I've gone with what he sang on the demo. 

I've included two tab versions: one in Claude Francois'
(and Bowie's demo) key of F, and the second tab in
Frank Sinatra's recorded key of D. 
N.B. As I haven't heard the full demo, I've done my best to
guess how the chords and lyrics might have scanned.


The demo version which Bowie overdubbed at his own home
over Claude Francois's 'Comme d'habitude' recording.

F      = xx3211    F4    = 133311    C7     = x32310
Am/E   = xx2210    F/C   = x33211    Am     = x02210
Cm/Eb  = xx1013    Fmaj7 = xx3210    Bbmaj7 = x13231
D7     = xx0212    Cm7/F = xx5343    Am7    = 353333
D7sus4 = xx0213    F7    = 131211    Gm7    = xx0231
Gm     = xx5333    Bb    = x13331    C/Bb   = x12020
Gm/F   = xx3333    Bbm6  = xx3323    Dm     = xx0231
C7/E   = xx2310    C     = x32010    Dm7    = xx0211

Just like Bowie, sing-a-long with (or rather, over..) Claude
at this link:


[Verse 1]
             F            Am/E
There was a time, a happy time,
          Cm/Eb              D7
I took my heart ...to every party,
D7sus4                  Gm                     Gm/F
        They'd point my way, "How are you to - day?"
                  C7/E              F4        F
"Will you make us laugh, chase our blues a - way?"
 F/C    F       Fmaj7                  Cm7/F   F7
Their funny man     ....won't let them down,
         Bb                   Bbm6
No, I'd dance and prance, and be their clown,
      F/C           C          C7    Gm/F               F
That time, a happy time, that even a fool--- learns to love!

[Verse 2]
      F                   Am/E
The clown   ...turned a - round,
            Cm/Eb                     D7       D7sus4
And saw her smile,   ...oh, how she loved me,
                Gm               Gm/F
She'd clap her hands, and beg me stay,
            C7/E                F4      F
To make her laugh, to make her life gay,
     F/C       F    Fmaj7             Cm7/F    F7
Who wants the love      ...of all the world,
               Bb                 Bbm6
When here was love in the eyes of just one girl?
     F/C                 C         C7    Gm/F               F
That day, that precious day, when even a fool--- learns to love!

[Verse 3]
     Am  C7        F    Fmaj7             Cm7/F
But, oh, how I dreamed,       a marvelous dream,
       F7          Bb        Bbmaj7      Bb
Where all of the heavens, or so it had seemed,
       Am7            Gm7                          C
With thunderous ap - plause, looked down from a - bove,
      C/Bb         Am   Am7         Dm   Dm7
On a clown and an angel so much in love,
                   Gm7                     C
I'll stay with my dream, it takes such a dream,
     C7    Gm/F                F
And even a fool---- learns to love!

[Verse 4]
      F                   Am/E
That day, ...that hateful day,
                Cm/Eb                    D7    D7sus4
The joke turned stale,  ...the game was over,
                Gm                Gm/F
Those spiteful words, "Oh, go a - way!
             C7/E                 F4        F
Who wants to play?  It's getting late now!"
F/C   F    Fmaj7            Cm7/F    F7
 My world,     ...my funny world,
              Bb                Bbm6
Had lost its mask, and shown a broken heart,
  F/C            C         C7    Gm/F                F
A time, a sour time, when even a fool---- learns to love!

[Verse 5]
     Am  C7        F    Fmaj7             Cm7/F
But, oh, how I dreamed,       a marvelous dream,
       F7          Bb        Bbmaj7      Bb
Where all of the heavens, or so it had seemed,
       Am7             Gm7                         C
With thunderous ap - plause, looked down from a - bove,
     C/Bb          Am   Am7         Dm   Dm7
On a clown and an angel so much in love,
                   Gm7                     C
I'll stay with my dream, it takes such a dream,
     C7    Gm/F                F
And even a fool---- learns to love!

             F7             Gm7                         C
||:  With thunderous ap - plause, looked down from a - bove,
     C/Bb          Am   Am7         Dm   Dm7
On a clown and an angel so much in love,
                   Gm7                     C
I'll stay with my dream, it takes such a dream,
     C7    Gm/F                F
And even a fool---- learns to love! :|| [Repeat]


Song: Even a fool learns to love
Artist: David Bowie
English Lyrics: David Bowie
Music: Jacques Revaux & Claude Francois

Tabbed by DJ
5th Jun 2015

David Bowie's demo lyrics to the tune of Frank Sinatra's
version of 'My way'.

CAPO: 2nd fret (Sounds in the key of D)

Chord names and fret positions are relative to the capo:
C      = x32010    C4    = x33010    G7    = 320001
Em/B   = x22000    C/G   = 332010    Em    = 022000
Gm6/Bb = x10030    Cmaj7 = x32000    Fmaj7 = xx3210
A7     = x02020    Gm7/C = x33333    Em7   = 022030
A7sus4 = x02030    C7    = x32310    Dm7   = xx0211
Dm     = xx0231    F     = 133211    G/F   = 120003
Dm/C   = x30231    Fm6   = 100111    Am    = x02210
G7/B   = x20001    G     = 320003    Am7   = x02213

|  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |

[Verse 1]
             C            Em/B            Gm6/Bb          A7
There was a time, a happy time, I took my heart to every party,
A7sus4                 Dm                     Dm/C
       They'd point my way, "How are you to - day?"
                   G7/B   G7             C4           C
"Will you make us laugh,      chase our blues away?"
       C/G   C   Cmaj7                 Gm7/C   C7
Their funny man      ...won't let them down,
          F                   Fm6
No, I'd dance and prance, and be their clown,
     C/G            G          G7    Dm/C               C
That time, a happy time, when even a fool--- learns to love!

[Verse 2]
      C                  Em/B
The clown ...turned a - round, 
            Gm6/Bb               A7      A7sus4
And saw her smile, oh, how she loved me,
                Dm               Dm/C
She'd clap her hands, and beg me stay,
            G7/B    G7              C4      C
To make her laugh,     to make her life gay,
    C/G        C    Cmaj7             Gm7/C   C7
Who wants the love     ...of all the world,
               F                   Fm6 
When here was love in the eyes of just one girl?
     C/G                 G         G7    Dm/C               C
That day, that precious day, when even a fool--- learns to love!

[Verse 3]
     Em   G7     C       Cmaj7               Gm7/C  
But, oh, how I dreamed,         a marvelous dream,
      C7           F                   Fmaj7   F
Where all of the heavens, or so it had seemed,
       Em7            Dm7                          G
With thunderous ap - plause, looked down from a - bove,
      G/F          Em     Em7          Am    Am7
On a clown and an angel,   so much in love,
                   Dm7                     G
I'll stay with my dream, it takes such a dream,
     G7    Dm/C                 C
And even a fool----- learns to love!

[Verse 4]
      C                Em/B
That day, that hateful day,
                Gm6/Bb                   A7    A7us4
The joke turned stale,  ...the game was over,
                Dm                Dm/C
Those spiteful words, "Oh, go a - way!
             G7/B    G7                C4       C
Who wants to play?       It's getting late now!"
C/G   C     Cmaj7          Gm7/C    C7
 My world,     ...my funny world,
              F                 Fm6
Had lost its mask, and shown a broken heart,
  C/G            G         G7    Dm/C                C
A time, a sour time, when even a fool---- learns to love!

[Verse 5]
     Em   G7     C       Cmaj7              Gm7/C
But, oh, how I dreamed,         a marvelous dream,
       C7           F                    Fmaj7   F
Where all of the heavens,  or so it had seemed,
       Em7            Dm7                          G
With thunderous ap - plause, looked down from a - bove,
      G/F          Em     Em7          Am    Am7
On a clown and an angel,   so much in love,
                   Dm7                     G
I'll stay with my dream, it takes such a dream,
     G7    Dm/C                C      Em G7
And even a fool---- learns to love!

   C    Cmaj7    Gm7/C  C7       F    Fmaj7
|  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |

  Fm6             C    Em/B     Am
|  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |  /  /  /  /  |

      G7    Dm/C                C
 And even a fool---- learns to love!


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