xThe song Bouncing off the Walls by Sugarcult. I'm not 100% sure about the solo, but the chords are correct! You can play the chords also as powerchords. It's what you prefer. Have fun! Intro & Verse | F# | C# | B | B | (8x) Chorus |D# B| C# G# A# F# | (3x) | E | C#| Second Verse | F# | C# | B | B | (4x) Chorus |D# B| C# G# A# F# | (3x) | E | B C# | Solo: When there is a * above, you need to tremolo pick that note. e|------------------------------------------------------------| b|-------------**--------**-----------------------------------| g|-15-11-15-11-16--11-15-18--15-11-15-11-10-11-13-11-10-11-16b| d|-------------**--------**-----------------------------------| a|------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------| e|-----------------------------16-14\11-----------------------| b|-1614161416141614161416141614--------14h16-19-18-16-14-11---| g|------------------------------------------------------------| d|------------------------------------------------------------| a|------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------| e|------------------------------------------------------------| b|-16-14------------------------------------------------------| g|-------16-16-15-11----13-14-13-13-11-9-11-------------------| d|-------------------13---------------------13-let ring-------| a|------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------| Chords over solo: | F# | C# | B | B | (4x) |D# B| C# G# A# F# | (3x) | E | D# | D# | D# | D# | Bridge (Palm mute): | D# | B C# | (4x) Last verse: | G# | D# | C# | C# | (4x) | F# | C# | B | B | (5x) I hope you get it. I'm allways open for questions. Cya!