Indian Gin And Whiskey Dry C G F C G C All day, all night you feel as if the earth could fly C G F C G C Three more all for fine Indian Gin and whiskey dry G C Fine Indian Gin and whiskey dry C G F C G C Small town closed down, there's nowhere else around to try C G F C G C Disturbingly a voice would cry C G F C G C "Go home, no loan, You'll have your gin and whiskey dry G C You'll have your gin and whiskey dry" C G F C G C Four ten, four men lining up for their handy brandy C G F C G C All's gone, you're none, came the bartender's reply G C But I've tried and I'm tied to Indian Gin and whiskey dry G C To Indian Gin and whiskey dry G C To Indian Gin and whiskey dry