xNamida ga tomaranai houkago or Tears that won't stop after school (2004) Lyrics and music: Tsunku Arrangement by: Shunsuke Suzuki Tabber: [email protected] I've realized this song works if it's appropriately performed. Gsus4 Chorus C E- A- (9/C) D-7 G C G7 C E FM7 F#-7b5 D-7 D°7 Verse 1.C CM9 F/C F-/C (A tempo) 2.C E- F E- D- G7 C E7 C E- F E- D- G7 C (sus4) CM7 PreChorus FM7 x E-7 D- G7 CM7 D-11 G7 C E FM7 x E-7 D- G7 CM7 B-7b5 E7(sus4) G Repeat Chorus, Verse, Prechorus and Chorus C E- A- C7 F F- E- A- D-(7) G7 Repeat Chorus C G#7 Db F- Bb-7 (9/Db) Eb-7 Ab Db Ab Db F GbM7 G-7b5 Eb-7 Eb°7 Db F- Bb- Db7 Gb Gb- Db DbM9 Gb/Db Gb-/Db (x2) Db Hints: Gsus4: 355533 or 330033 D-11: x5556x or xx0011 D-7/F: 1x0211 CM9: x35433 or x32430 F#-7b5: 2x2210 G-7b5: 3x332x x means silence or mute strings.