x============================================================================ GREEN DAY - DOOKIE TAB BOOK ============================================================================ Tracks: ============================================================================Burnout Having A Blast Chump Longview Welcome To Paradise Pulling Teeth Basket Case She Sassafras Roots When I Come Around Coming Clean Emenius Sleepus In The End F.O.D. (All By Myself) ============================================================================ ============================================================================ Burnout Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Simple song, the guitar 2 after-chorus part is barely heard. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord Verse (x2) G5 C5 G5 C5 F5 G5 F5 D5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|------5---------5---------------7------------------------------| D|-5----5----5----5--3--5----3----7------------------------------| A|-5----3----5----3--3--5----3----5------------------------------| E|-3---------3-------1--3----1-----------------------------------| Chorus (guitar 2 before bridge & end) C5 G5 C5 F5 G5 C5 F5 D5 D5 F#5 G5 A5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-5---------5----------5---------7-------7----11---12---14------| D|-5----5----5--3--5----5----3----7-------7----11---12---14------| A|-3----5----3--3--5----3----3----5-------5----9----10---12------| E|------3-------1--3---------1-----------------------------------| Bridge (x4) G5 F5 G5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------------(drum fill)--------------------------------------| D|-5-5-5--3-5----------------------------------------------------| A|-5-5-5--3-5----------------------------------------------------| E|-3-3-3--1-3----------------------------------------------------| Order [Verse 1] [Chorus] [Verse 2] Chorus x2 [Bridge] Chorus x2 End on bridge riff x1 Lyrics I declare I don't care no more I'm burning up and out and growing bored In my smoked out boring room (Verse 1) My hair is shagging in my eyes Dragging my feet to hit the street tonight To drive along these shit town lights I'm not growing up I'm just burning out (Chorus) And I've stepped in line To walk amongst the dead Apathy has rained on me And now I'm feeling like a soggy dream So close to drowning but I don't mind I've lived inside this mental cave (Verse 2) Throw my emotions in the grave Hell, who needs them anyway? (Chorus x2) [Bridge] (Chorus x2) ============================================================================ Having A Blast Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: The order may seem confusing at first, but it's really simple to play. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord Intro (x4) A5 G5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|-7----5--------------------------------------------------------| A|-7----5--------2-----------------------------------------------| E|-5----3----3-3---3---------------------------------------------| Verse (x2) A5 (PM) F#5 G5 E5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|-7-------4----5----2-------------------------------------------| A|-7-------4----5----2-------------------------------------------| E|-5-------2----3----0-------------------------------------------| Chorus (x2) D5 A5 B5 G5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-7-------------------------------------------------------------| D|-7----7----9----5----------------------------------------------| A|-5----7----9----5----------------------------------------------| E|------5----7----3----------------------------------------------| [Interlude] A5 F#5 B5 E5 A5 F#5 D5 A5 E5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|--stop------stop------stop-------------------------------------| G|-----------4--------------------7------------------------------| D|-7----4----4----2----7----4-----7--7--2---(pickslide)----------| A|-7----4----2----2----7----4-----5--7--2------------------------| E|-5----2---------0----5----2--------5--0------------------------| Bridge (x2) F#5 D5 A5 F#5 G5 (A5 G5 A5 replace with intro e|-------------------------------------------on second time)-----| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|------7--------------------------------------------------------| D|-4----7----7------4----5----7--7-7--5/7--7-7-------------------| A|-4----5----7------4----5----7--7-7--5/7--7-7-------------------| E|-2---------5------2----3----5--5-5--3/5--5-5-------------------| Order [Intro] [Verse 1] [Chorus] Intro ("To me it's nothing") [Verse 2] [Chorus] Intro ("To me it's nothing") [Interlude] [Bridge] Intro ("To me it's nothing") Lyrics I'm taking All you down with me Explosives duct-taped to my spine Nothing's gonna change my mind I won't listen (Verse 1) To anyone's last words There's nothing left for you to say Soon you'll be dead anyway Well no one here Is getting out alive This time I've really lost my mind And I don't care So close your eyes (Chorus) And kiss yourself goodbye And think about the times you spent And what they've meant To me it's nothing (x4) I'm losing All my happiness The happiness you pinned on me My loneliness still comforts me My anger (Verse 2) Dwells inside of me I'm taking it all out on you And all the shit you put me through [Chorus] Do you ever think back To another time (Interlude) Did it bring you so down That you thought you lost your mind Do you ever want to lead A long trail of destruction And mow down any bullshit That confronts you (Bridge) Do you ever build up All the small things in your head To make one problem That adds up to nothing To me it's nothing ============================================================================ Chump Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: The G# on the verse might be wrong, but it's close. Each bridge strum has half the beats as the previous strum, listen to the song and you'll get it. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord Verse (x2) B5 G# E (x3) F#5 e|-----------0---------------------------------------------------| B|-----------0---------------------------------------------------| G|-4---------1---------------------------------------------------| D|-4-----6---2--------4------------------------------------------| A|-2-----6---2--------4------------------------------------------| E|-------4---0--------2------------------------------------------| [Chorus] A E B5 (x3) A E e|-0----0------------0----0--------------------------------------| B|-2----0------------2----0--------------------------------------| G|-2----1--4---------2----1--------------------------------------| D|-2----2--4---------2----2--------------------------------------| A|-0----2--2---------0----2--------------------------------------| E|------0-----------------0--------------------------------------| Bridge (let F#5 ring and then bass solo, then play this) F#5 (x4) F#5 E5 (x4) F# (guitar 2)(x11) e|-----------------------2---------------------------------------| B|-----------------------2------5/12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12--| G|-11-------11---9-------3---------------------------------------| D|-11-------11---9-------4---------------------------------------| A|-9--------9----7-------4---------------------------------------| E|-----------------------2---------------------------------------| Order Intro (B5-G#5-E x2) [Verse 1] [Chorus] [Intro] [Verse 2] [Chorus] Intro x2 ("I'm just dumb") [Bridge] Fade into Longview Lyrics I don't know you But I think I hate you You're the reason for my misery (Verse 1) Strange how you've become My biggest enemy And I've never seen your face Well maybe it's just jealousy Mixing up with a violent mind A circumstance that (Chorus) Doesn't make much sense Or maybe I'm just dumb You're the cloud Hangin out over my head Hail comes down welting my face Magic man (Verse 2) Egocentric plastic man Yet you still got one over on me [Chorus] [Bridge] ============================================================================ Longview Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: No guitar during verse, fade out the ending. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord () = harmonic Verse Bass 1 G|-------------------------------------9-7-6-7-------------------| D|------9-7-6-------7-6----4----9-7-6----------------------------| A|-0h7---------7p5-------5---7-----------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| [Chorus] D5 B5 A5 E5 (x4) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-777777777777------------9-------------------------------------| D|-777777777777--9----7----9-------------------------------------| A|-555555555555--9----7----7-------------------------------------| E|---------------7----5------------------------------------------| [Bridge] E5 D5 (x4) B5 A5 E5 (x4) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9----7------------------9-------------------------------------| D|-9----7--------9----7----9-------------------------------------| A|-7----5--------9----7----7-------------------------------------| E|---------------7----5------------------------------------------| End (third time end) e|----------------------(12)----------------(12)-----------------| B|-9h10-10-7---9h10--12------------9h10--12----------------------| G|-9----9--7---9-----------------9-------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| Order Drum Intro (Fade in from Chump) Verse 1 (verse bass 1 x4) [Chorus 1] Verse 2 (verse bass 2 x2, verse bass 1 x2) [Chorus 1] [Bridge] Verse 3 (verse bass 2 x2, verse bass 1 x2) Chorus 2 (double the D5 strums, do other part 8x) End (fade out) Lyrics Sit around and watch the tube, nothing's on Change the channel for an hour or two Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit (Verse 1) I'm sick of all the same old shit In a house with unlocked doors And I'm fuckin lazy Bite my lip and close my eyes Take me away to paradise (Chorus 1) I'm so damn bored I'm goin blind And I smell like shit Peel me off this Velcro seat and get me movin I sure as hell can't do it by myself I'm feelin like a dog in heat (Verse 2) Barred indoors from a summer street I locked the door to my own cell And I lost the key [Chorus 1] I got no motivation Where is my motivation (Bridge) No time for my motivation Smokin's my inspiration Sit around and watch the phone, no one's callin Call me pathetic, call me what you will My mother says to get a job (Verse 3) But she don't like the one she's got When masturbation's lost it's fun You're fuckin lazy Bite my lip and close my eyes Take me away to paradise I'm so damn bored I'm goin blind None of this has to suffice (Chorus 2) Bite my lip and close my eyes Take me away to paradise Some say quit or I'll go blind But it's just a myth ============================================================================ Welcome To Paradise Green Day Kerplunk! (1992) / Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Bridge has one guitar track doing some weird feedback, and another guitar track doing the little solo, and then the chords. The solo here is the one on the Dookie version, the one on Kerplunk! is quite similar. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord [Intro] E5 D5 A5 (x2 one guitar, x2 with band) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9------7------------------------------------------------------| D|-9------7---7--------------------------------------------------| A|-7------5---7--------------------------------------------------| E|------------5--------------------------------------------------| [Verse] E5 D5 E5 E5 D5 G5 B5 (x2) G5 A5 B5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9----7----9------9----7---------------------------------------| D|-9----7----9------9----7----5----9-------5----7--9-------------| A|-7----5----7------7----5----5----9-------5----7--9-------------| E|----------------------------3----7-------3----5--7-------------| [Chorus] E5 G5 A5 C5 E5 G5 B5 E5 G5 A5 C5 E5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------------5-----------------------------5-------------------| D|-2---5---7---5----2---5---9----2---5---7---5-----2-x-2-x-2-2---| A|-2---5---7---3----2---5---9----2---5---7---3-----2-x-2-x-2-2---| E|-0---3---5--------0---3---7----0---3---5---------0-x-0-x-0-0---| [Bridge] (w/ feedback) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------/5-4-3-2-3---------------------| A|-/7----\2----3-2-0-2-3-2---0-----------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| (all palm mute) (x4, then x8 with guitar 2) E G F# F E5 G5 F#5 F5 e|------4---------7----------6---------5-------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------4----------7---------6---------5----------------------| D|-2-2-------5-5--------4-4-------3-3------------2---5---4---3---| A|-----------------------------------------------2---5---4---3---| E|-----------------------------------------------0---3---2---1---| Order [Intro] [Verse 1] [Chorus] Intro chords x2 [Verse 2] [Chorus] Intro chords x4 [Bridge] [Verse 3] [Chorus] Intro chords x4 Lyrics Dear mother, can you hear me whining It's been three whole weeks Since I have left your home (Verse 1) This sudden fear has left me trembling Cuz now it seems that I am Out here on my own, and I'm feeling so alone Pay attention to the cracked streets And the broken homes Some call it the slums, some call it nice (Chorus) I wanna take you through a wasteland I like to call my home Welcome to paradise A gunshot rings out at the station Another urchin snaps And left dead on his own (Verse 2) It makes me wonder why I'm still here For some strange reason it's now Feeling like my home, and I'm never gonna go [Chorus] [Bridge] Dear mother, can you hear me laughing It's been six whole months Since I have left your home (Verse 3) It makes me wonder why I'm still here For some strange reason it's now Feeling like my home, and I'm never gonna go [Chorus] ============================================================================ Pulling Teeth Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: This song has a bit of a countryish feel. If you don't want to play the B5/A, just play A5, it should sound ok. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord Intro (x3) B5 B5 B5/A B5 - B5/A (guitar 2 on B5) B5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------4------------------------| G|-4-4-4--4----4----4-----4--4--4-------4b--4---------4-4-4-4-4--| D|-4-4-4--4----4----4-----4--4--4---------------------4-4-4-4-4--| A|-2-2-2--2----2----0-----0--2--0---------------------2-2-2-2-2--| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| Verse (x2) E A E B5 E A E B5 E e|-0----0----0---------0----0----0-----0-------------------------| B|-0----2----0---------0----2----0-----0-------------------------| G|-1----2----1----4----1----2----1-----1-------------------------| D|-2----2----2----4----2----2----2--44-2-------------------------| A|-2----0----2----2----2----0----2--22-2-------------------------| E|-0---------0---------0---------0-----0-------------------------| [Chorus] C#m E C#m B5 B5/A e|--------0------------------------------------------------------| B|-5------0------5-----------------------------------------------| G|-6------1------6------4----4-----------------------------------| D|-6------2------6------4----4-----------------------------------| A|-4------2------4------2----0-----------------------------------| E|--------0------------------------------------------------------| Solo (played over verse chords) e|---0---0-----0--0-0-0---------0-0-0---0--0----0----------------| B|-0h2---0--0--0--2-2-2---2--0--0-0-0-0h2--0--0-0--2/4--4---4----| G|----------1--1--2-2-2---2--1----------------1-1--2/4--4---4----| D|------------------------2--------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| e|--------------------------------0--0--0-0--0--0--0--0--0-------| B|--5--5--5---7--7--7---5--4--0---5--5--5/9--9--9--10-9--10/-----| G|--6--6--6---8--8--8---6--4--4----------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| e|---0--0--0--0--0--0-0-0--0---0--0--0-0--0-0--0--0--0----0------| B|--/12-12-12-10-10-9-9-10-10--10\9--9\7--7\5--5-------0---------| G|-----------------------------------------------------1---------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| e|-12-12----12---------------------------------------------------| B|-12----12----12------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| Bridge (x5) B5 B5/A B5 - B5/A (guitar 2 on B5) B5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------4--------------------------------| G|-4----4-----4--4--4-------4b--4---------4-4-4-4-4--------------| D|-4----4-----4--4--4---------------------4-4-4-4-4--------------| A|-2----0-----0--2--0---------------------2-2-2-2-2--------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| Order [Intro] [Verse 1] [Verse 2] [Chorus] [Verse 3] [Solo] [Chorus] [Bridge] [Verse 3] End on E Lyrics I'm all busted up Broken bones and nasty cuts (Verse 1) Accidents will happen But this time I can't get up She comes to check on me Making sure I'm on my knees (Verse 2) After all, she's the one Who put me in this state Is she ultra-violent? Is she disturbed? I better tell her that I love her (Chorus) Before she does it all over again Oh God, she's killing me For now I'll lie around Hell that's all I can really do (Verse 3) She takes good care of me Just keep saying my love is true Lookin out my window For someone that's passing by No one knows I'm locked in here (Bridge) All I do is cry ============================================================================ Basket Case Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Not much to say here, played fast with lots of distortion. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord Verse (second verse and bridge, use low E5 (022xx)) E5 B5 C#5 G#5 A5 E5 B5 (x2) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9---------6--------------9------------------------------------| D|-9----9----6----6----7----9----9-------------------------------| A|-7----9----4----6----7----7----9-------------------------------| E|------7---------4----5---------7-------------------------------| [Chorus] A5 B5 E5 (x2) A5 B5 E5 D5 C#5 A5 B5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-----------9--------------------9-\-7-\-6----------------------| D|-7----9----9---------7----9-----9-\-7-\-6----7----9------------| A|-7----9----7---------7----9-----7-\-5-\-4----7----9------------| E|-5----7--------------5----7------------------5----7------------| [Bridge] E5 B5 C#5 B5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9-------------------------------------------------------------| D|-9----9----11---9----------------------------------------------| A|-7----9----11---9----------------------------------------------| E|------7----9----7----------------------------------------------| [Interlude] A5 B5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-----------(verse chords x2)-----------------------------------| D|-7----9--------------------------------------------------------| A|-7----9--------------------------------------------------------| E|-5----7--------------------------------------------------------| End Riff E5 C#5 A5 E5 B5 (x4) A5 E5 B5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9----6---------9----------------------------------------------| D|-9----6----7----9----9--------\-7----2----9--------------------| A|-7----4----7----7----9--------\-7----2----9--------------------| E|-----------5---------7--------\-5----0----7--------------------| Order Verse 1 (palm mute) Chorus (palm mute until walkdown) Bridge (x2, single guitar) [Verse 2] [Chorus] Bridge (x4) [Interlude] Verse chords x2, no lyrics Chorus (palm mute until walkdown) End Riff Lyrics Do you have the time To listen to me whine About nothing and everything All at once [Verse 1] I am one of those Melodramatic fools Neurotic to the bone No doubt about it Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up (Chorus) I think I'm crackin up Am I just parananoid Am I just stoned [Bridge] I went to a shrink To analyse my dreams He said it's lack of sex That's bringin me down [Verse 2] I went to a whore He said my life's a bore So quit my whinin Cuz it's bringin her down [Chorus] [Bridge] [Interlude] [Chorus] ============================================================================ She Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Simple but effective 3-chord song, clearly Green Day. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord [Verse] G5 D5 C5 G5 C5 G5 (x2) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|------7----5---------5-----------------------------------------| D|-5----7----5----5-5--5--5--------------------------------------| A|-5----5----3----5-5--3--5--------------------------------------| E|-3--------------3-3-----3--------------------------------------| [Chorus] D5 C5 G5 (x2) C5 G5 (x3) D5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-7------5------------5-------------7---------------------------| D|-7------5---5--------5----5--------7---------------------------| A|-5------3---5--------3----5--------5---------------------------| E|------------3-------------3------------------------------------| Order Intro (bass) Verse 1 (bass + drums) [Chorus] Verse 2 (guitar palm mutes verse) [Chorus] Bridge (verse chords) [Chorus] End on G5 Lyrics She, she screams in silence A sullen riot penetrating through her mind Waiting for a time to smash the silence (Verse 1) With a brick of self-control Are you locked up in a world That's been planned out for you Are you feeling like a social tool Without a use (Chorus) Scream at me until my ears bleed I'm taking heed just for you She, she's figured out all her doubts Were someone else's point of view (Verse 2) Waking up this time to smash the silence With a brick of self-control [Chorus] (scream) [Bridge] [Chorus] ============================================================================ Sassafras Roots Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Billie Joe plays open chords for most of this song, but it sounds fine either way. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord [Intro] D A E e|-2----0----0---------------------------------------------------| B|-3----2----0---------------------------------------------------| G|-2----2----1---------------------------------------------------| D|-0----2----2---------------------------------------------------| A|------0----2---------------------------------------------------| E|-----------0---------------------------------------------------| Verse (x6, lyrics on third rep for first 2 verses, x2 for verse 3) A D E e|-0----------2----0---------------------------------------------| B|-2---2-0----3----0---------------------------------------------| G|-2-------2--2----1---------------------------------------------| D|-2----------0----2---------------------------------------------| A|-0---------------2---------------------------------------------| E|-----------------0---------------------------------------------| [Chorus] D5 E5 (x2) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|-3----------------(Intro)--------------------------------------| G|-2-------------------------------------------------------------| D|-0----2--------------------------------------------------------| A|------2--------------------------------------------------------| E|------0--------------------------------------------------------| [Bridge] A D E (x2) F#5 D5 (x3) E5 e|-0----------2--------------------------------------------------| B|-2---2-0----3--------------------------------------------------| G|-2-------2--2-------------------7---------9--------------------| D|-2----------0----2---------4----7---------9--------------------| A|-0---------------2---------4----5---------7--------------------| E|-----------------0---------2-----------------------------------| Order [Intro] [Verse 1] [Chorus] [Verse 2] [Chorus] [Bridge] [Verse 3] [Chorus] Intro x3 "May I waste your time too?" Lyrics Roamin 'round your house wasting your time No obligation just wasting your time (Verse 1) So why are you alone wasting your time? When you could be with me wasting your time Well I'm a waste like you With nothing else to do (Chorus) May I waste your time too? Wardin off regrets wasting your time Smokin cigarettes wasting your time (Verse 2) I'm just a parasite wasting your time Applying myself to wasting your time [Chorus] [Bridge] So why are you alone wasting your time? (Verse 3) When you could be with me wasting your time [Chorus] May I waste your time too? ============================================================================ When I Come Around Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Not much to say here. Moderate distortion. Play around with the solo a bit, it's not too hard to figure out the right pattern. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord [Verse] G5 D5 E5 C5 (x8) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|------7----9----5----------------------------------------------| D|-5----7----9----5----------------------------------------------| A|-5----5----7----3----------------------------------------------| E|-3-------------------------------------------------------------| [Chorus] A5 C5 (x2) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|------5--------------------------------------------------------| D|-7----5--------------------------------------------------------| A|-7----3--------------------------------------------------------| E|-5-------------------------------------------------------------| [Bridge] (played over verse chords) e|-----------3-------5-------3-----5--0-0-0--0-0-5--0-0-0--------| B|-------------3---3---3---3---3------0------0-------------5b--2b| G|-(verse x2)----0-------0-------0-------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| Order Intro (verse chords palm muted x2, 1 guitar) [Verse 1] [Chorus] [Verse 2] [Chorus] [Bridge] [Chorus] End on verse chords x4 ("When I come around) Lyrics I heard you cry it loud All the way across town You've been searchin For that someone And it's me out of the crowd As you sit around Feeling sorry for yourself [Verse 1] So don't get lonely now And dry your whinin eyes I'm just roamin for the moment Sleazin my backyard so don't get So uptight you've been thinkin About ditchin me No time to search the world around Cuz you know where I'll be found (Chorus) When I come around I heard it all before So don't knock down my door I'm a loser, and a user So I don't need no accuser To try and slag me down Because I know you're right [Verse 2] So go do what you like Make sure you do it wise You may find out that your self-doubt Means nothing was ever there You can't go forcing something If it's just not right [Chorus] [Bridge] [Chorus] ============================================================================ Coming Clean Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: One of their slowest songs. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord [Verse] B5 G#5 (x2) F#5 E5 (x2) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-4-------------------------------------------------------------| D|-4----6---------4----2-----------------------------------------| A|-2----6---------4----2-----------------------------------------| E|------4---------2----0-----------------------------------------| Bridge (played over verse chords) B G#m e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|-7--7-7--7--7--7-7---4--5-4--4--4--5-4-----(x2)----------------| G|-8--8-8--8--8--8-8---4--4-4--4--4--4-4-------------------------| D|-9--9-9--9--9--9-9---------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| F# E5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------(x2)---------------------------------| G|---------6--------9--------------------------------------------| D|-8--9-9----9-8-9--9--------------------------------------------| A|------------------7--------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| Order [Verse 1] [Verse 2] [Bridge] [Verse 3] Lyrics Seventeen and strung out on confusion Trapped inside a roll of disillusion (Verse 1) I found out what it takes to be a man Well Mom and Dad will never understand Secrets collecting dust but never forget Skeletons come to life in my closet (Verse 2) I found out what it takes to be a man Well Mom and Dad will never understand What's happening to me Seventeen and coming clean for the first time I finally figured out myself for the first time I found out what it takes to be man (Verse 3) Well Mom and Dad will never understand What's happening to me ============================================================================ Emenius Sleepus Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Mike Dirnt Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Not much to say about this song. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord [Intro] B5 E5 B5 E5 B5 E5 A5 F#5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-4---------4---------4-----------------------------------------| D|-4----2----4----2----4----2----7----4--------------------------| A|-2----2----2----2----2----2----7----4--------------------------| E|------0---------0---------0----5----2--------------------------| Verse (x2) B5 E5 B5 E5 B5 E5 A5 F#5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-4---------4---------4-----------------------------------------| D|-4----2----4----2----4----2----7----4--------------------------| A|-2----2----2----2----2----2----7----4--------------------------| E|------0---------0---------0----5----2--------------------------| [Chorus] E5 F#5 (x3) B5 E5 B5 F#5 B5 E5 A5 F#5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-----------------4---------4---------4-------------------------| D|-2----4----------4----2----4----4----4----2----7----4----------| A|-2----4----------2----2----2----4----2----2----7----4----------| E|-0----2---------------0---------2---------0----5----2----------| [Bridge] B A (x3) B A F#5 e|-7----5-----------------7----5---------------------------------| B|-7----5--5--------------7----5---------------------------------| G|-8----6----6---6--------8----6---------------------------------| D|-9----7------7----------9----7----4----------------------------| A|-9----7-----------------9----7----4----------------------------| E|-7----5-----------------7----5----2----------------------------| End B5 E5 B5 F#5 B5 E5 A5 F#5 B5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-4---------4---------4---------------------4-------------------| D|-4----2----4----4----4----2----7----4------4-------------------| A|-2----2----2----4----2----2----7----4------2-------------------| E|------0---------2---------0----5----2--------------------------| Order [Intro] [Verse 1] [Chorus 1] [Verse 2] [Chorus 2] End [Bridge] [Chorus 1] End Lyrics I saw my friend the other day And I don't know (Verse 1) Exactly just what he became It doesn't show It wasn't long ago That I was just like you And now I think I'm sick (Chorus 1) And I wanna go home How have I been, how have you been? It's been so long (Verse 2) What have you done with all your time? And what went wrong? I knew you back when And you, you knew me (Chorus 2) And now I think you're sick And I wanna go home Anybody ever say no? Ever tell you that you weren't right? Where did all the little kid go? (Bridge) Did you lose it in a hateful fight? And you know it's true [Chorus 1] ============================================================================ In The End Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Short, fast, and distorted h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord [Verse] A5 G5 (x7) A5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|-7----5-------7------------------------------------------------| A|-7----5-------7------------------------------------------------| E|-5----3-------5------------------------------------------------| [Chorus] D5 E5 A5 F#5 D5 E5 (A5 G5 x2 after 1st chorus e|-----------------------------------------x4 after 2nd chorus---| B|-----------------------------------------x3 to end on A5)------| G|-7----9----------------7----9----------------------------------| D|-7----9----7----4------7----9----7----5------------------------| A|-5----7----7----4------5----7----7----5------------------------| E|-----------5----2----------------5----3------------------------| [Bridge] A5 e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------(x15)--7------------------------------------| A|----4--------5------------7------------------------------------| E|-5-----5--3-----3---------5------------------------------------| Order [Verse 1] [Chorus] [Verse 2] [Chorus] [Bridge] [Chorus] Lyrics All brawn and no brains And all those nice things You finally got what you want (Verse 1) Someone to look good with And light your cigarette Is this what you really want? I figured out What you're all about And I don't think I like what I see Sooooooo (Chorus) I hope I won't be there In the end when you come around How long will he last Before he's a creep in the past And you're alone once again (Verse 2) Will you pop up again And be my special friend 'Till the end, and when will that be? [Chorus] [Bridge] [Chorus] ============================================================================ F.O.D. Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Billie Joe Armstrong Music: Green Day Tuning: 1/2 step down (sounds a semitone lower than written here) Notes: Acoustic guitar for first 2 verses and choruses, full band for the rest. Electric part played fast, heavy, and distorted. The bridge strumming is hard to tab, but listen to the song and eventually you'll get a feel for it. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord [Verse] A5 G5 A5 (x2) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|-7------5----7-------------------------------------------------| A|-7------5----7-------------------------------------------------| E|-5------3----5-------------------------------------------------| [Chorus] E5 G5 D5 A5 E5 G5 D5 (x2) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9---------7---------9---------7-------------------------------| D|-9----5----7----7----9----5----7-------------------------------| A|-7----5----5----7----7----5----5-------------------------------| E|------3---------5---------3------------------------------------| [Bridge] D5-C#5 A5 D5-C#5 G5 (x4) e|---------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------| G|-7\6----------7\6----------------------------------------------| D|-7\6p0---7----7\6p0---5----------------------------------------| A|-5\4p0---7----5\4p0---5----------------------------------------| E|---------5------------3----------------------------------------| Order [Verse 1] [Chorus 1] [Verse 2] [Chorus 1] Bridge chords x2 (no vocals) [Bridge] [Chorus 2] [Bridge] Bridge ("Good night...") Lyrics Something's on my mind It's been for quite some time This time I'm on to you (Verse 1) So where's the other face The face I hurt before Your end trip's boring me Let's nuke the bridge We've torched 1000 times before This time we'll blast it all to hell (Chorus 1) I've had this burning in my guts Now for so long My belly's aching now to say Stuck down in a rut Of dislogic and sput A side of you well hid When it's all said and done (Verse 2) It's real and it's been fun But was it all real fun? [Chorus 1] (To say....) You're just a fuck I can't explain it 'cause I think you suck (Bridge) I'm taking pride In telling you to fuck off and die I've had this burning in my guts Now for so long My belly's aching now to say I'm taking pleasure in the doubts (Chorus 2) I've passed to you So listen up 'cause you might miss... (Bridge) (Good night.......) ============================================================================ All By Myself (secret song) Green Day Dookie (1994) Lyrics: Tré Cool Music: Tré Cool Tuning: Normal Notes: Pretty impossible to play with a pick, go fingerstyle. h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend / = slide up \ = slide down 5 = power chord Riff 1 e|-2---2---2---2---3---3---3---3---------------------------------| B|---3---3---3---3---3---3---3---3-------------------------------| G|-----------------0---------------------------------------------| D|-0-------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| Riff 2 e|-4---4---4---4---5---5---5---5---------------------------------| B|---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5-------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------| A|-----------------0---------------------------------------------| E|-0-------------------------------------------------------------| Order Spanish intro thing + talking & laughing Riff 1 x2 Verse 1 (Riff 1 x6) Verse 2 (Riff 2 x4) Verse 3 (Riff 1 x4) Verse 4 (Riff 2 x4) Lyrics I was alone I was all by myself No was looking (Verse 1) I was thinking of you Yeah, did I mention I was all by myself All by myself (Verse 2) All by myself All by myself I went to your house But no one was there (Verse 3) I went to your room I was all by myself You and me had Such wonderful times (Verse 4) When I'm all by myself All by myself... ============================================================================