歌手头像-Tom Waits

Wrong Side Of The Road

音乐人: Tom Waits


[Intro and Verses]

               Bm  Bbm   Bm     E9 Eb9   E9
                ↑   ↓     ↑      ↑  ↓     ↑
G|--------------4---3----/4------7--6----/7---------------| REPEAT

              G7               F#7                   G7            F#7

| ↓   Downstroke
| ↑   Upstroke
| /   Slide up
| \   Slide down


      Bm (Bbm) Bm         E9 (Eb9) E9
Put a dead cat     on the railroad tracks
          Bm  (Bbm) Bm                 E9 (Eb9) E9
Where the wolf-bane's blooming  by the trestle
             G7                                 F#7
 and get the eyeball of a rooster       and the stones from a ditch
    G7                                      F#7 
and wash 'em down with bilge water      and say you'll never snitch


          Bm (Bbm) Bm                           E9 (Eb9) E9
 Take the buttons from a yellow jacket  and the feathers from a buzzard
         Bm (Bbm) Bm                     E9 (Eb9) E9
 and the blood from a bounty hunter's   cold black heart
          G7                         F#7
Catch the tears of a widow      in a thimble made of glass
          G7                            F#7
tell your mama and papa        they can kiss your ass


Bm (Bbm) Bm                    E9 (Eb9) E9 
Poison all the water  in the   wishin' well
    Bm (Bbm) Bm                     E9 (Eb9) E9
and hang all them scarecrows from a sycamore tree
G7                            F#7
Burn down them honeymoons     put 'em in a pillow case
    G7                                         F#7
And wait next to the switch blades     at the amusement park for me


Bm (Bbm) Bm                           E9 (Eb9) E9 
Strangle all the Christmas carols     scratch out all your prayers
Bm (Bbm) Bm                           E9 (Eb9) E9
Tie 'em up with barbed wire       and push them down the stairs
     G7                                  F#7
I'll whittle you a pistol    for keeping nightmares of the blinds
      G7                           F#7
Those sunsabitches always seem to sneak up from behind

Bm (Bbm) Bm                     E9 (Eb9) E9
Syphon all the gas    from your daddy's pickup truck
Bm (Bbm) Bm                           E9 (Eb9) E9
Fill up Johnny's T-Bird             I got a couple of bucks
G7                              F#7
Put a little perfume      and a ribbon in your hair
   G7                                  F#7
Be careful that you don't wake  up the hounds


Bm (Bbm) Bm                           E9 (Eb9) E9 
Tear a bolt of lightning      off the side of the sky
    Bm (Bbm) Bm                           E9 (Eb9) E9
And throw it in a cedar chest      if you want I'll tell you why
          G7                          F#7
Bring the gear shift knob      from a 49 Merc
    G7                                F#7 
and lay down here beside me    let me hold you in the dirt

Bm (Bbm) Bm                           E9 (Eb9) E9
  We're gonna tremble        tear the throat out of the night
          Bm (Bbm) Bm                           E9 (Eb9) E9
Sink your teeth into my shoulder       dig your nails into my back
          G7                            F#7
Tell that little girl to let go of my sleeve
            G7                                  F#7   
You'll be a woman when I catch you, come, baby, fall in love with me


         Bm (Bbm) Bm                   E9 (Eb9) E9 
With my double barrel shotgun    and a whole box of shells
      Bm (Bbm) Bm                   E9 (Eb9) E9
We'll celebrate                 the 4th of July
           G7                                 F#7
We'll do a hundred miles per hour   spendin'  someone else's dough
          G7                            F#7
And drive all the way to Reno    on the wrong si - de of the road


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