歌手头像-Manuel María Ponce

Variacions Sobre Un Tema De Antonio Cabezon

音乐人: Manuel María Ponce

| This tablature is the author's personal interpretation    |
| of the song. You may only use it for private studies. The |
| author does not assume any legal liability for the misuse |
| of this material by other individuals or organizations.   |

Original title: Variacions sobre un tema de Antonio Cabezуn
      Composer: Manuel Maria Ponce (1882-1948)
        Source: Audio CD "Voyage au pays de la guitare"
                (Mandala, 2001)
     Performer: Gйrard Abiton
Transcribed by: Ralf Flicker (rflicker@mac.com)
          Date: 25 October 2004

Revisions to this file posted on:

Originally submitted to Weed's Classical Guitar Tablature page



This is Ponce's last known work for guitar, dating from 1948,
and it's a masterpiece. The "Variations" take the form of a
study, structured into an opening Theme, six Variations and
a concluding Fughetta. To get a flavor of the melody, try the
Theme or Variation III (both easy). Most demanding (by a 
margin) is the Fughetta. Although the "Variations" is
officially only a moderately demanding piece, it does have a
few difficult passages (esp. in the Fughetta).

This tab is still in a "raw" state, undergoing revisions. The
notes are all there, but much of the ornamentation and phrasing
is missing. Time, unfortunately, is too scarce at the moment
for me to complete it soon, so for now I offer it as is. The
final version, when done, will be available at the url above.

Again thanks to Ronimusic (www.ronimusic.com) for the
"Amazing Slow Downer" for Mac OS X, making this tab-by-ear

Comments and corrections welcome!


Notation used in this tab:

|     bar/beat
=     sustain/duration
(     arpeggiate broken chord
*     fermata
!     caesura
>     staccato
^     accent, emphasized
+     fermata + accent
~     vibrato
p     pull-off
h     hammer-on
c1    partial barre on position 1
C1    full barre on position 1
(1)   optional on position 1
[1]   bar numbering
X,Y,Z abbreviated notation for positions 10, 11 and 12
p,mp,mf,f, etc : piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, etc.


Variacions sobre un tema de Antonio Cabezуn, M.M. Ponce

Standard tuning: E-A-D-G-B-e

1. Theme

Time signature: 3/4
Quantum: 1/16
Tempo: lento, 85-90 bpm
Expression: gravemente, ponderous, tenuto

 f   [1]                        c3                   mf
 |    |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |

[5]                   f                         p

[9]                   mf   f

[13]                           dim. 
|1-----------|------------|--------0(--|------------| Fine

2. Variation I

Time signature: 4/4
Quantum: 1/16
Tempo: con moto, 85 bpm (80-90)
Expression: dolcissimo, sostenuto, flowing

 mp       *           ^    *           c3== +       c3=
 |   |    |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   

 *                                 *

 mf            mp *

 *       c2==c4== c2==========

[13]              *                c3======  

 *    *


Play transition and connect to Variation II without rest
(note the different quantum in V.II)

3. Variation II

Time signature: 3/4
Quantum: 1/32
Tempo: allegretto, 95 bpm

     > > >   >       >        > > >   >       >


     > > >   >                > > >   >



     > >                      > >

     > >

[15]     c1====
|----------------0(------|------------------------| Fine

4. Variation III

Time signature: 3/4
Quantum: 1/16
Tempo: moderato, 95 bpm (85-100 with fermata)
Expression: tenuto, 

 |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |                                   



|1(----------|------------|----0---0---|------------| Fine

5. Variation IV  

Time signature: 3/4
Quantum: 1/16
Tempo: piщ lento, 65-70 bpm

     [1]      C2===================                  C2==
      |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |

 C2==========         C2=======         c2=====


[13]                                    c2======
|------------|------------|0(----------|5-----------| Fine

6. Variation V

Time signature: 3/4
Quantum: 1/16
Tempo: allegro moderato, 95 bpm (90-105 with fermata)
Expression: (style brisй)

      |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |



|------------|------------|------------|------------| Fine

7. Variation VI

Time signature: 2/4
Quantum: 1/32
Tempo: presto, 95 bpm

 |       |        |       |        |       |











|----------------| Fine

8. Fughetta

Time signature: 3/4
Quantum: 1/16
Tempo: 100-105 bpm

      |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |    |   |   |













|------------------------------------------------| Fine



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