xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Erlend Øye - Rainman From album 'Legao' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Intro: E A B B / E A B B E A B E A B The butter flowers are in bloom but you're staying in E A B E A B The beauty that you know from before don't mean a thing now E A B Loving you is like waiting for the rain to come E A B Loving you is like waiting for the rain to come E A B Loving you is like waiting for the rain to come E A B E A B There are other ways to love than to love a man E A B E A B Other ways to fill your life with meaning E A B E A B Maybe there's a city somewhere where you won't feel alien E A B E A B If new friends are waiting for you go sail with them E A B Loving you is like waiting for the rain to come E A B Loving you is like waiting for the rain to come E A B Loving you is like waiting for the rain to come E A B Loving you is like waiting for the rain to come By: TheTristo