hey everyone, tons of people have been asking me to tab rock the 40 oz acoustic as its here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLQ73vAuki0 And on the LOC msg forums under tabs, some kid asked about it but i read the replies and of them really explained it properly so heres a tab! for any questions corrections or to tell me i suck, lol my email is [email protected] is my first official tab) TUNING CAN BE STANDARD OR HALF STEP DOWN. so here goes: Em, C, G shoot the kids at school Em, C, G all in a bloody pool Em, C, G shoot the teachers too Em, C, D Cuz they cant tell me what to do Em….....D……....B Getting cs and ds... Em…....D………. .....B…… saying thanks and please Em…………........D……....B you broke the golden rules Em………........D….....B youre stayin after school then he goes into this mini break thing before starting the next verse, all you do is from B (x24422) to C (x35533) so after "school" you go: C, (slide), B,(slide) C, (slide) B, then back to C again, strum once and then slide down x57755 and strum once then its back to Em, C, G life is real estate Em, C, G to the ones i hate Em, C, G cops say you must refrain Em, C, D From squattin, drinkin, and hopping trains Em……......C……….….....B drink but dont drink…this Em………....D.....………B it aint……beer its…piss Em…….....C…..B rock the…40….ounce Em……....D………........B its the change that counts And then its back to the same mini break thing as before (slide)C……………….....(slide) B …….....When we get there………on the train (s)C……………….........(s) B………........(s)C strum once, (s) x57755 strum once …..well get some booze and…start again Em, C, G livin in the past Em, C, G goin nowhere fast Em, C, G jesus has a place for me Em, C, D a life of sin and infamy Em…….....D……….B dropping outta school Em………...C....B teacher is a fool Em……...D…..B so you run away Em……..D………...B livin day to day (slide)C……………….....(s)B …….....doin what you……gotta do (s)C……………….........(s)B………......(s)C strum once, (s) x57755 strum once …..would it make you….happy too Em……...D………....B fallin prey to drugs Em………...C....B sportin body bugs Em…….....D….B rock the 40 ounce Em……....D………........B its the change that counts! (slide)C………………...........(s)B …….....just dont get locked up in jail (s)C……………….......(s)B………......(s)C strum once, (s) x57755 strum once …..cuz no ones guna have the bail Then B, C, x57755 twice and then the last bit ("taking time to break the laws, and then ill lick my dirty paws) just do the same thing, B, C, x57755 while you sing the lines. its not exactly a song where you have to do it perfect haha so just have fun with it basically. =)