xthe cure-mint car from the album head on the door i was looking for chords for this song and i couldn't find good ones. these work for feel free to change them up Chords: D ---323 Bm -24432 G 32---3-| A --222--| intro: on D, play around by moving up on e string to 3rd 2nd 0 and then back to 2nd fret moving to G. D G A verse: D the sun is up Bm G A i'm so happy i could scream D Bm G A And there's nowhere else in the world I'd rather be D Than here with you Bm It's perfect G A It's all I ever wanted D Bm G A I almost can't believe that it's for real (same progressions for all verses) chorus: Bm A Never guessed it got this good D G Wondered if it ever would Bm A Really didn't think it could G Do it again? A I know we should!!! last chorus end like this: G Do it all the time A G I know that we should