xi watched conor play this the other night from the front row, so I know it's correct. FIRST PART (intro, first part of verse) it's just C and F, but lift your index finger off for a beat during the F. play it between vocal lines. i have a friend, he's mostly made of pain he wakes up, drives to work then straight back home again he once cut one of my nightmares out of paper i thought it was beautiful so i put it on a record cover e|--0---0-0--1-1-0---1-1-0----| B|--1---1-1--1-1-0---1-1-0----| G|--0---0-0--2-2-2---2-2-0----| D|--2---2-2--3-3-3---3-3------| A|--3---3-3-------------------| E|----------------------------| SECOND PART (last two lines of verse) it's G, C and F, but he only played the low part of the G. and i tried to tell him that he had a sense of color and composition so magnificent e|---------0---0-0--1-1-0---1-1-0----| B|---------1---1-1--1-1-0---1-1-0----| G|---------0---0-0--2-2-2---2-2-0----| D|-0-0-0-0-2---2-2--3-3-3---3-3------| A|-2-2-2-2-3---3-3-------------------| E|-3-3-3-3---------------------------| THIRD PART (chorus) it's alternating F and G. once again, he only played the low end of the G. and he said, thank you, please but you're flattery is truly not becoming me your eyes are poor, you're blind, you see, no beauty could have come from me e|-1-1-----1-1-------| B|-1-1-----1-1-------| G|-2-2-----2-2-------| D|-3-3-0-0-3-3-0-0---| A|-----2-2-----2-2---| E|-----3-3-----3-3---| FOURTH PART (post-chorus) back to the first part, really loud, after the 'i'm a waste' line. i'm a waste of breath of space of time e|--0---0-0--1-1-0---1-1-0----| B|--1---1-1--1-1-0---1-1-0----| G|--0---0-0--2-2-2---2-2-0----| D|--2---2-2--3-3-3---3-3------| A|--3---3-3-------------------| E|----------------------------|