xMade By Dryndal - Polska Intro + Zwrotka Intro + Vers (wsumie na bas, ale można na zwykłej gitarce) (it's played on a Bass guitar, but you can play it on a guitar to) E|-------------------------------| B|-------------------------------| G|----0--------------------------| D|1-----1-0---0---------------0--| A|--------------1---1-1-0--------| E|------------------------3-----3|x9 po 9-tym razie to: after the 9-th time: E|-------------------------------| B|-------------------------------| G|----3-----3-------3-------3----| D|1-----1-----1-0-----0-0-----0--| A|-------------------------------| E|-------------------------------|x1 Zamiast tej kwestii można grać: Instead of thi you can play: E|-------------------------------| B|3---3-3-3---3-3---3-3-3-3---3--| Suggest correction What's this? You can suggest a correction to this tab. Community and Mods will review your correction and vote to approve or reject it.