xWhere Is Home by Bloc Party (from the album "A Weekend In The City", 2007) There not much guitar in this song, probably to give the vocals full effect; a very passionate song about discrimination. Anyway, Russell seems to make full use of his work with pedals... Enjoy. _____________________________________________________________________________ INTRO/VERSE[0:00] _____________________________________________________________________________ There's no strict guitar in this, but from the beginning a very low Bm note rings. I'm not sure if it's played on bass or keyboard though, but as it's constant, I'd imagine keyboard. _____________________________________________________________________________ VERSE[1:09] _____________________________________________________________________________ The drums come in in place of the Bm chord, and there's some kind of mixed vocal pre-recording in there too. [1:27] and [1:41] Russell e|-----| B|-----| G|-x---| D|-x---| A|-----| E|-----| | Delay pedals (not sure how many :P) [2:05] Russell e|-----| B|-x---| G|-x---| D|-----| A|-----| E|-----| | Delay pedals again _____________________________________________________________________________ CHORUS[2:06] _____________________________________________________________________________ Play this whole section twice. Kele e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|----------------------------| E|-6--9--8--6--11--9--11--13--| -\ Russell e|----------------------------| -/ B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|-8--------------------------| A|-------8-----9--------------| E|----------------------------| Kele e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|----------------------------| E|-6--9--8--6--11--9--11--13--| -\ Russell e|----------------------------| -/ B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|----------------------------| E|----------------------------| Kele e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|----------------------------| E|-6--9--8--6--11--9--11--13--| -\ Russell e|----------------------------| -/ B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|-6--------------------------| A|-------6-----8--------------| E|----------------------------| Kele e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|----------------------------| E|-6--9--8--6--11--9--11--13--| -\ Russell e|----------------------------| -/ B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|----------------------------| E|----------------------------| _____________________________________________________________________________ VERSE[2:33] _____________________________________________________________________________ Synth keyboard comes in here. I don't know who'd play it; I guess Gordon on bass would as he's not really doing anything in this bit. e|--------------------|-----14--16---------| B|-----18--19---------|-------------14-----| G|-15----------18--15-|-15--------------15-| D|--------------------|--------------------| x2 A|--------------------|--------------------| E|--------------------|--------------------| Russell also plays some palm muted delays. [2:38],[2:45],[2:52] and [2:59] Russell e|-----| B|-----| G|-x---| D|-x---| A|-----| E|-----| | Delay pedals _____________________________________________________________________________ CHORUS[3:26] _____________________________________________________________________________ Same as the first chorus, except Kele's last bar is: Kele e|-----------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------| E|-6--9--8--6--11-9-11-9-14-13-14-16-| _____________________________________________________________________________ BREAK[3:52] _____________________________________________________________________________ I'm pretty sure Russell plays all of the break. He puts a tremelo picked high note into a loop, then tremelo picks down the guitar with that still in loop. Russell e|---/--#21#--|-#21#-(loop)|------------| B|------------|------------|------------| G|------------|--#18#-#17#-|-#15#-#13#--| D|------------|------------|------------| A|------------|------------|------------| E|------------|------------|------------| _____________________________________________________________________________ CHORUS BREAK[3:59] _____________________________________________________________________________ Repeat the original chorus riff over. There aren't any words over it though. The looped delay 21st fret E string note still rings, but it changes slightly to: [4:09] Russell e|-\-#20#--| B|---------| G|---------| D|---------| A|---------| E|---------| The last bar for Kele is again: Kele e|-----------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------| E|-6--9--8--6--11-9-11-9-14-13-14-16-| _____________________________________________________________________________ OUTRO VERSE[4:26] _____________________________________________________________________________ There's no guitar but Russell's loop, which ends at around [4:39]. I'm not sure, but it sounds like he's set the delay so that it loops a combined 20th fret and 21st fret... It sounds like both of them to me. And the song's over after Kele's vocals and the drum beat. _____________________________________________________________________________ LYRICS _____________________________________________________________________________ VERSE After the funeral breaking cola nuts We sit and reminisce about the past And in her voice only sadness Her only son taken from her In every headline we are reminded That this is not home for us In every headline we are reminded That this is not home for us Second generation blues Our points of view not listened to Different worlds and different rules A question of allegiance Clinging to her bible and her scapula And memory of the way things were I don't see hope I cannot smile I burn with anger all the time We all read What they did To the black Boy In every headline we are reminded That this is not home for us CHORUS Where is it? Where is home? Where is it? Where is home? VERSE I walk this modern tight rope Of humility and belligerence This tommy-rot and flag waving Is just getting me down I want to stamp on the face of every young policeman To break the fingers of every old judge To cut off the feet of every ballerina But I can't So I just sigh And I just sigh And I pretend That there's nothing wrong The teeth of this world Tear me in half And everyday I must ask myself Where, where, where? CHORUS Where is it? Where is home? Where is it? Where is home? VERSE In every headline we are reminded That this is not home for us In every headline we are reminded That this is not home for us _____________________________________________________________________________ Key: / - Slide up \ - Slide down b - Bend r - Return x - Mute PM - Palm mute ~ - Let ring/vibrato h - Hammer-on p - Pull-off <> - Harmonic #n# - Tremelo pick -\ - Parts played together -/