歌手头像-3 Doors Down

Be Somebody

音乐人: 3 Doors Down

xIntro: Am, C, G,  2x

Verso 1:

Am   C   G
The shades go up
Am     C   G
Mothers staring down
Am      C        G
She don't know where he's been
Am   C        G
Or how long he's been out

      F                  Am               F                Am     
She said 'Boy i'm tired of waiting up while your out with your friends'
         F                 Am                       G        Em
He said 'Mom im tryin and im living my life the best way that I can'


Am               G      
Cause i'm trying to be somebody
C                G
I'm not trying to be somebody else
Am                 G
This life is mine i'm living
C                        G
Don't you know me? I wont ever let you down

Verso 2:

Am    C   G
The day has come
Am       C   G
The sun is moving on
Am     C       G
She don't know where he'll go
Am      C     G
Or when he's coming home


        F                  Am               F                Am  
She said 'Son take care, don't let your dreams get too far out of sight'
        F                 Am                       G        Em  
He said 'I love you now, don't worry about me you know i'll be fine'


Am               G      
Cause i'm trying to be somebody
C                G
I'm not trying to be somebody else
Am                 G
This life is mine i'm living
C                        G
Don't you know me? I wont ever let you down
Am            G
C                 G
I'm not trying to be somebody else
Am               G             C 
Don't you know me? I wont ever let you
I wont ever let you


What they say
What they know
Am            G
What they think wont ever bring me down
C              G
This life is mine and I am my own

Am             G
I'm trying to be somebody
C             G
I'm not trying to be somebody else
Am              G
This life is mine I lead
C       G
Don't you know me?

Am          G
I'm trying to be somebody
C             G
I'm not trying to be somebody else
Am          G
This life is mine i'm living
C             G
Don't you know me? I wont ever let you down
Am          G
C             G
I'm not trying to be somebody else
Am          G    C             G
Don't you know me? I wont ever let you down
Am           G
I wont be nobody else
C             G
This life is mine and i am my own


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