x1/2 step down tuning listen to the song to pick up how many times you repeat the verses and choruses. it's an easy song. ~ = let ring out \ = slide down trem /// = tremolo picking VERSE (repeat as needed) E--------------------------0--------------------------0-- B--------------------0-0---0--------------------0-0---0-- G--4--4--4---------1-----1-1--4--4--4---------1-----1-1-- D--4--4--4-2-2---2---------2--4--4--4-2-2---2---------2-- A--2--2--2-0-2-------------2--2--2--2-0-2-------------2-- E------------0-------------0--------------0-----------0-- CHORUS (repeat as needed) E------------------- B------------------- G------1-1-4--4--4-- D--4-4-2-2-4--4--4-- A--4-4-2-2-2--2--2-- E--2-2-0-0---------- INTERLUDE E------|------------- B------|------------- G------|--11-11-11~-- Suggest correction What's this? You can suggest a correction to this tab. Community and Mods will review your correction and vote to approve or reject it.