xTabbed by: Michael the great and wise Nunn Email:[email protected] (ok- I lied it is [email protected]) hokay- here is the rest of it- and maybe the solo if I have time Tuning:standard starting at 0:12 ish is the first riff. the begininngh of this one is different than it is as normal, which is purely what pagey does to keep exitement in his musac. again this is 172 tempo... ish... 1 + 2 + 3 + + 1 + 2 + 3 + + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + + 3 + 4 + e|--------------------|----------------|-----------------|-------------------| B|--------------------|----------------|-----------------|-------------------| G|----------------0---|------------0---|------------0---2|-r-2--0-1----------| D|----0-----------0---|------------0---|------------0---2|---2------2--------| A|-------0--1--2------|------0-1-3-----|------0-1-3-----0|---0--------2------| E|-(3)---------------3|(3)-3----------3|(3)-3------------|--------------3----| and there is riff number one- notice- after the first time (i think) the first measure of riff one is the same as measures 2 and 3 of riff one- it don't have that little happy 0 on string four, just a 3 on string 6. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + i think you get the idea of the beat e|------------------|--------------|---------------|--------------| B|------------------|--------------|---------------|--------------| G|-------------0----|------------0-|------------0-2|-r-2--0-1-----| D|-------------0----|------------0-|------------0-2|---2------2-0-| A|-------0-1-2------|------0-1-2---|------0-1-2---0|---0---------3| E|-(3)-3-----------3|(3)-3--------3|(3)-3----------|--------------| we'll call that riff 2... or maybe riff 1b. I like 1b better so 1b it is now for the bridge between uhh verses. verses. this thing needs spell check 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + e|----------------|----------------|----------------|------------------------| B|----------------|----------------|----------------|------------------------| G|---------r------|---4-r---------4|-r--------------|-------------r----------| D|---2-4---------2|-4-5-------2-4-5|---2-2-2-4-2----|-------2-4--------------| A|-4-----0---3-4--|-------3-4------|---3-4-------3-4|-0-3-4-----0---3--------| E|----------------|----------------|----------------|------------------------| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + (time shift- 2/4) 1 + 2 + back to 4/4 e|----------------|----------------|------------------------------------------| B|----------------|----------------|------------------------------------------| G|-------4-r------|---4-r----------|------------------------------------------| D|---2-4-5---2---2|-4-5-------2-4-2|------------------------------------------| A|-4---------3-4--|-------3-4------|------------------3-4-0-------------------| E|----------------|----------------|------------------------3-----------------| and there is riff 2... or the bridge. now it shifts back to rift one hokay- in this verse page decides to play it up the octave--- so you can do this 2 ways the easy way or the hard way. (I do easy which I will tab here) 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + + 1+ 2 +3+4+ e|--------------------|----------------------|-------------------|-----------| B|--------------------|----------------------|-------------------|-----------| G|----------------12--|----------------12----|--------------12-14|r14-12-----| D|----------------12--|----------------12----|--------------12-14| 14---14---| A|-------12-13-14-----|--------12-13-14------|------12-13-14-----|---- -14--| E|(3)-3-------------15|(15)-15-------------15|(15)15-------------|------ -15-| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + + 1+ 2 +3+4+ e|--------------------|----------------------|-------------------|------------| B|--------------------|----------------------|-------------------|------------| G|----------------12--|----------------12----|--------------12-14|r14-1213-r--| D|----------------12--|----------------12----|--------------12-14| 14----14---| A|-------12-13-14-----|--------12-13-14------|------12-13-14-----|----------7-| E|(15)15------------15|(15)-15-------------15|(15)15-------------|------------| sorry about the cramming guys/ and here is another bridge! this one is easy tho- just mostly whole notes 1 123 4 + 1 + 2+3+4 + 1+2+ 3 + 4 + 1 1 4 + 1234+ 1+2+ 3 +4+ e|---|---------|---------------|--------------|---|-------|-----|------------| B|---|---------|---------------|------------7/|(9)|(9)-9\7|/9---|------------| G|---|---------|---------------|-r-r------r-7/|(9)|(9)-9\7|/9---|r-r9-7---r--| D|---|-------7/|/9------------9|--9-9-7-9---7/|(9)|(9)-9\7|/9--9|-9-9-7--9---| A|(7)|(7)--7-5/|/7------------7|--7-7-5-7-----|---|-------|----7|-7-7-5--7---| E|---|---------|----0----------|------------0-|(0)|(0)-0-0|(0)--|----------3-| and then it goes back to the main riff- with these funky vibrato bar chords over it _'ll letr you figgure it out if you wanna play them- it is a sepreate track so you know so there is really no point aside from just knowing what is going on with the cd. e|-~- B|-0 G|-0- D|-0- A|--- E|--- okay- the solo is really really really really funky- and I need some time to figgureee it all out with all the layering and craptola. anyhoo- later dogs it is lunch time for my and hence I must feed the ever present beast that is myself. I will try to post the solo later today or tomorrow- but no guarentees- as for the riffs- I think I covered them all and remember- speed is a by product of accuracy. so have fun- this is a freaking awesome song. so you know- alot of this stuff if with 2 guitars so if it seems really weird and funky it is becasue it is 2 parts combined into one. have fun! | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================