xCapo at 1st fret. The song is built upon 4 Chords: Em G D and A (from the capos perspective :) In terms of the strum-pattern you'll have to improvise. I suggest to lay your pick aside and use thumb and indexfinger to mix strumming and picking. Always pluck the base note of a chord first: empty E, 3rd fret E, empty D and empty A! Heres a possibility you could try if you want to, at least it gives you a basic idea of it COULD look like. I don't suppose It's what she plays, but thats not the purpose, is it? This is just picking, no strumming: e|------0------|--------3------|--------2------|-------0----------| B|--0----------|---0-----------|----3-------3--|-----------2------| G|--0-------0--|---0--------0--|----2-----2----|---2--------------| D|--------2----|------0--------|--0---0--------|---2-----2--------| A|----2--------|----------0----|---------------|-0---0------------| E|0------------|-3-------------|---------------|------------------| Have fun! Chris from Hamburg