歌手头像-Sister Hazel

Best Ill Ever Be

音乐人: Sister Hazel

xHope you dont mind but i thought i'd correct your last tab, as the 'wierd chords' were 
my head in!!! Just tune the guitar 1/2 a step down and play as follows. Apologies for any 
as i rushed it a bit but im sure u get the idea! James J!

G		BM		EM	       C
Oh I miss you i miss being overwhelmed by you
G		    BM	EM	  D     C
And I need rescue, I think I'm fading away
G		BM		EM	       C
But I keep thinking, That you'll wake me up with a whisper in my ear
G		    BM	EM	  D     C
I keep hoping, That you'll sneak in my room

G		BM		EM		D           C
So I wait      And I wait    And I run old scenes through my tired head
	EM		D		C
of the days that we laid by the school and said forever
Was that the best I'll ever be?

G		BM		EM		C
Oh I miss you, I miss talking all night long with you yeah
G		BM		EM	D  C
And I need this to, find a way to your home

		G		Bm		Em		D            C
Oh, my love, Can you hear me? Have I been hoping loud enough? Wishing hard enough?
G		Bm		Em	D     C
Can you see me when I'm asleep all alone  alone?

G		Bm		Em		D           C
So I wait, And I wait, And I run myself in the same old circles
G		Bm		Em		D           C
I sit and  I stare  and I run old scenes through my tired head
	Em		D		C
of the days that we laid by the school and said forever
Em	D	C
Was that the best I'll ever be?

D			Em
I can't keep my hands from shaking
D			Em
I'm stumbling through the wreakage again
C  	B
But you're gone

**same as above***
So I wait
And I wait
And I run myself in the same old circles
I sit
and I stare
And I run old scenes through my tired head
of the days that we laid on our backs and said forever
Oh was that the best I'll ever be?
Was that the best I'll ever be?
Oh was that the best I'll ever be?


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