歌手头像-Sara Evans

Some Things Never Change

音乐人: Sara Evans

xCapo 3

Intro:  D

(D) She gets up every mornin' while everyone's in bed
Starts the coffee, makes the breakfast for all those sleepy-heads
Yeah, (G) yeah, (A) some things never (D) change

(D) He comes in all dressed for work sayin', "Baby, I love you, gotta go” Even though 
not what he wants to do
But he does (G) it, (A) some things never (D) change

Chorus:  In a (G) world that keeps turnin' and (A) movin' so fast
When you (Bm) can't hold on to nothin' and (G) nothin' seems to last
It's so (G) good to know that (A) love still re-(Bm)-mains (E)
Ain't you (G) glad that (A) some things never (D) change?

(D) Three o'clock every afternoon waitin' by the door
Sees her babies runnin' off the bus, she couldn't love 'em any more
Yeah, (G) yeah, oh, (A) some things never (D) change

Like when I'm (D) lyin' next to you, well, I remember when
Your kisses made me crazy so beautiful back then
And I still (G) feel the same, yeah, (A) some things never (D) change


(G) Yeah, same as the sun keeps risin'
(A) Yeah, every day someone is findin' (D) love (A)
Oh yeah (Bm-G) (D-A-Bm-G)

In a (G) world that keeps turnin' and (A) movin' so fast
When you (Bm) can't hold on to nothin' and (G) nothin' seems to last
It's so (G) good to know that (A) love still re-(Bm)-mains

Oh, when the (G) world keeps turnin' and (A) movin' so fast
When you (Bm) can't hold on to nothin' cuz (G) nothin' seems to last
It's sure (G) good to know that (A) love still re-(Bm)-mains (E)
Oh, ain't you (G) glad that (A) some things never (Bm) change? Yeah (G)
Oh, ain't you (G) glad that (A) some things never (D) change?
Ooh, oh, some things never change


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