xThis is from the album Easy and without tab software I am restricted to simply posting the chords, so you will need to listen closely to get the picking right. The main thing is use a clear waltz rhythmn in the bass,picking strings 6/4/4 each bar for the first two lines. The bass moves betwen 5/3/3 and 5/4/4 as the chords change. I have tabbed it in G but I think (from memory as I have long since lost the album) that Ralph uses a capo on the 1st fret. G#9 F#aug All off to Brighton in a charabanc G#9 F#aug Albert played his banjo and how we sang. C C(2) G The beer was expensive but the laughter was free A D (D run) Oh how we do love to all be beside the sea. G#9 F#aug Albert had a cousin named Marjorie G#9 F#aug And I had been noticing that she had noticed me. C Eb7 G (Gmaj7) E I quickly decided if she didn't mind A D G (G run) I would spend the day in her gay company. We shared a plate of whelks strolling side by side. I said she weren't too old to take a donkey ride But I didn't mind when she laughed and said no So we paused for a while and listened to the minstrel show. There was a notice at the Palace Pier It said there was to be a dance that night and it wasn't dear. I explained of course that I could only waltz And so we waltzed to every tune they played. Instrumental break C | C(2) | G | G | D | D) | G | G7 | C | Eb7 | G (Gmaj7) | E | A | D | G |(G run) Nine o'clock come round we had to take the charabanc Albert was too drunk to play the banjo but still we sang All except Marjorie, I could tell at a glance Because me and Albert was leaving for France. I said "We'll both be home in a week or two Me and Albert and Lord Kitchener will teach the Hun a thing or two. I'm sure to return, after me do not yearn And we will waltz together all our lives through." G#9 3x030x F#aug 2x0332 C x32010 C(2) x32013 Eb7 xx1323 D run 2 0 - - - - - - - -| 3 - 3 2 1 - 0 1 2 3| 2 - - - - 2 - - - -| 0 - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - -| G run - - - - 0 3| - - 0 3 - -| 0 3 - - - -| 0 - - - - -| - - - - - -| 3 - - - - 3|