xDown Rodeo Words by Zach de La Rocha Music by Rage Against the Machine tab by Matt Sims b= bend to number (i.e. 2b4= 2nd fret bend to the 4th which is one step) r= release to number (i.e. 4r2= release 4th fret bend to the 2nd, down one step) X= string rake ~= vibrato @= Harmonic at X fret. Notes: The intro Db chord is strummed alot (you can figure out how many times!). Then the next time the same riffs follow the G type chord and the E. opening chord: E 9 B 9 G 13 D 11 A 9 E 9 Intro Verse/Chorus |--4--|------------------------------|------X-X---------X-X-X-X-X-X-X---------- |--7--|------------------------------|------X-X---------X-X-X-X-X-X-X---------- |--6--|--3b4r3-----------------------|------X-X--3b4r3--X-X-X-X-X-X-X---------- |--4--|--------4~--------------------|------X-X---------X-X-X-X-X-X-X---------- |--4--|------------------------------|------X-X---------X-X-X-X-X-X-X---------- |-----|-----------2-2-0-2-0-2-3-2-0--|-0h2--X-X---------X-X-X-X-X-X-X---------- 2nd Intro |--0--X--0--| |--0--X--0--| |--4--X--1--| |--5--X--2--| |--5--X--2--| |--3--X--0--| | | Upstroke! Chorus |--------------------------| |--------------------------| |--------------------------| |-----X-X-X-X-----X-X-X-X--| |-----X-X-X-X-----X-X-X-X--| |-0-2-X-X-X-X-0-2-X-X-X-X--| Verse |-----------------------| |-----------------------| *I think it starts off with this note, but does this |-9~~--11~~-------------| pattern. He used a "Tone Bender" distortion pedal |------------9~~--11~~*-| to get the sustain and sound of this part. |-----------------------| |-----------------------| Chorus |--5@----| I'm not sure wether this is correct, if it's not, then Tom is scratching |--------| over the strings, but it does sound like an A Harmonic. |--------| |-----%--| |--------| |--------| Interlude |---------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------| |------------------------7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--| |------------------------7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--| 1st time |--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--| |--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0------------------------| |........P.M........| Interlude Cont. Outro |--0---------------------|-----------------0--| |--0---------------------|-----------------0--| |--1----%-----7----%-----|-12@-12@-12@--%--1--| |--2----------7----------|-----------------2--| |--2----------5----------|-----------------2--| |--0---------------------|-----------------0--| Typing in the solo stuff I know won't help. But I know he uses a wah and the toggle switch. He hits a few notes on the 9th and 11th frets on the 4th string. The String Rakes are just to show they are there, they are not the exact amount played, you'll have to figure that out. This is a cool song to play too. Any comments: [email protected]