xI have never written a guitar tab before but I just bought the new 311 CD and must say continue to blow my mind year after year with their amazing musical unity, so I attempted tab out their song Jackpot and got stuck after the first verse which I know isn't 100% This is a great song and if anyone would like to correct this and finish it I appreciate my half-done work. Intro: e------------| B------------| G------------| D------------|x1 A-7~-9-7-6~--| E-5~-7-5-4~--| Verse Pt 1: e---------------------------------------------------| B---------------------------------------------------| G---------------------------------------------------| D----------------------x3---------------------------| x2 A-44--777-7-66-6-42-22----44-4444-777-7-66-6-42-2x2-| E-22--555-5-44-4-20-00----22-2222-555-5-44-4-20-0x0-| pm .... Verse Pt 2: e---------------------------------------------------| B---------------------------------------------------| G---------------------------------------------------| D---------------------------------------------------| x8 A-4xx4x4x4x77x7x6xx6xx6x42-----4--------------------| E-2xx2x2x2x55x5x4xx4xx4x20-2h4p2--------------------| pm......................... . Then into bridge, which is where I got lost and the chorus is tough too. I haven't been that long but I enjoy it. Comments please!