歌手头像-Broadway Calls

Wake Up Call

音乐人: Broadway Calls

xWake Up Call – Broadway Calls

My jacket pockets are full of my hands.
On nights like this I’d rather stay inside.
                E                             Em
Cause the bitter wind is blowing, but I get to see my friends
                      B(Only Bass going)        F#(Bass)
I’ll be stuck in this place for the rest of the year.
                 C (Bass)                B(Bass)            F# 
I can feel the indifference. What’s the difference? I don’t need this.
                 C (Bass)                B(Bass)            F# 
I can feel the indifference. What’s the difference? I don’t need this.

E       B                         F#
Woooohhhoww And we danced in your headlights.
E       B                    F#
Woooohhhoww I would kill for those nights.
                 F#                 E                       B 
I can feel the indifference. What’s the difference? I don’t need this.

(Faster)—Power Chords- 
Friends all kiss their bottles.
The minutes slowly cut the fears away.
     G#                      E
For nights like this I trade my days.

My jacket pockets are full of my hands.
On nights like this I’d rather stay inside.
          G#m                            Ebm
Cause the bitter wind is blowing, but I get to see my friends tonight.
                      Em                        B
I’ll be stuck in this place for the rest of the year.
                 F#                     E                   B
I can feel the indifference. What’s the difference? I don’t need this.

Chorus: 2x

Let’s hear it for the breakdown.
                      E                F#
Let’s hear it for the wake up call.(Woohow)
                   B                                         E
Remember when we’d laugh/ all night/ without/ a drink, or without
a place to go.

F# E F#
(In the following two lines only pick the A and the D string)
E      B              F#
Woooohhhoww And we danced in your headlights.
E      B                     F#
Woooohhhoww I would kill for those nights.
                    F#                    E                 B
I can feel the indifference. What’s the difference? I don’t need this.
                    F#                   E                  B
I can feel the indifference. What’s the difference? I don’t need this.

Bridge: 2x
          B                      E
With your laugh in my ears still ringing,
        B                       E
and the tears in my eyes still streaming.
         B                                   F# 
I’ve got strong memories. Let’s make this tonight please 

Chorus: 2x

F# E F#


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