xNewton Faulkner - Feels Like Home (Intro) 09 Feb 2008 I've not seen this tabbed out anywhere, I think it's vaguely correct although I've read it might be cappo on 4th not 5th (and my poorly tuned guitar). This is my first tab so I welcome feedback: [email protected]. h hammer on / slide up p pull off \ slide down ^ hammer/pull off above played with right hand I've been trying to work out how to integrate tapping of the guitar into the tab, I went for more lines. If there's a convention for this, I'd love to hear it. I'd recommend ignoring it until the rest is firmly fixated in your mind. lt left hand, thumb rt right hand, thumb lf left hand, fingers rf right hand, fingers b guitar body f guitar face s string Open D, cappo on 5th. D|--------------------------------------------------| A|-5/7\5/7\5p0--------------------------------------| F#|------------------------------------------3/5\3p0-| D|---------------5/7\5p0-h2h4----2/4\2p0------------| A|--------------------------------------------------| D|-------------0-------------h9---------h8----------| ^ ^ D|---|--------0----------x-| A|---|--------0----------x-| F#|---|--------0----------x-| D|---|-h4/5\4p0----------x-| A|---|-------------------x-| D|-0-|-h5-------p0-------x-| ^ ^ x4 lt|---|---------b-------b---| lf|---|-------------f--f----| rt|---|---------------------| rf|---|--------------f----s-| Which leads into the verse: // I know... D|-------------0--0-- A|-------------0--0-- F#|-------------0--0-- D|-2/4-2p0--------0-- A|--------2p0-----x-- D|------------4---5-- Most other parts of the song seem to be based around that, I'm not confident enough in what I'm playing to tab it out. (Hint hint)