Currently unreleased. Lyrics are unofficial. Tab Definitions: G5: 355xxx F5: 133xxx Bb5: x133xx C5: x355xx D5: x577xx F5*: x|8|10|10|x|x G5*: x|10|12|12|x|x p: Pull off of note b: Bend note /: Slide to note ~: Vibrato (): Ghost note 8/8v: Harmonic doubling with lower octave (Whammy pedal) 8/8^: Harmonic doubling with higher octave (Whammy pedal) 8~: Unspecific octave shifting (Whammy pedal) Tuned slightly sharp. Two guitars play in (semi-)unison, which I have simplified into one guitar part. Both guitar signals are digitally combined with their lower octave using a Whammy pedal. [INTRO] G5 F5 G5 Bb5 F5 G5 F5 G5 Bb5 C5 D5 F5* G5* G5 F5 G5 Bb5 F5 e|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|------------3--------------------3---5---7---10--12--------------3-----------3------| D|-5----3--5--3---3-----5----3--5--3---5---7---10--12-5(/)---3--5--3---3---3-5-3-5----| A|-5----3--5--1---3-----5----3--5--1---3---5---8---10-5(/)---3--5--1---3---3-5-1-5----| E|-3----1--3------1-----3----1--3---------------------3(/)---1--3------1---1-3---3----| F5 G5 Bb5 C5 D5 F5* e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|-------3---5--7---10---7-10-12--| D|-3--5--3---5--7---10---7-10-12--| A|-3--5--1---3--5---8----5-8--10--| E|-1--3---------------------------| [VERSE 1] G5 F5 G5 Bb5 F5 You got a re - ac - tion G5 F5 G5 Bb5 C5 D5 F5* G5* You got a re - ac - tion, did-n't you? G5 F5 G5 Bb5 F5 F5 G5 Bb5 You took a white or - chid G5 F5 G5 Bb5 C5 D5 F5* G5* You took a white or - chid, turned it blue [VERSE 2] Somethin' better than nothin' Somethin' better than nothin' is givin' up We all need to do somethin' Try (to) keep the truth from showin' up G5 [CHORUS] (A combination of the chords presented and lead notes below) D5 C5 Bb5 G5 D5 C5 Bb5 G5 Ho-w dare you? D5 C5 Bb5 G5 F5 F5 F5 G5 How old are you now, an - y - way? D5 C5 Bb5 G5 D5 C5 Bb5 G5 (8~) Ho-w dare you? D5 C5 Bb5 G5 F5 F5 F5 G5 (8~) How old are you now, an - y - way? (8~) (8~) e|-----------------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------------| G|-7p5--------7p5-----------7p5------------------------| D|-----8b---------8b-5(/0)------8b---------------------| A|--------8------------------------8--8--8--8-8-10(/)--| E|-----------------------------------------------------| G5 e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-7p5-----------7p5------------7-p-5----------------------| D|-----8b------------8b--5(/0)----------8b-----------------| A|----------8-------------------------------8---8----8--8--| E|---------------------------------------------------------| How dare you? How old are you now, an-y-way? [INTRO] (Right Channel, beginning of INTRO) (8~) e|-3-3--3-3--| B|-----------| G|-----------| D|-----------| A|-----------| E|-----------| [VERSE 3] You were given a flower But I guess there was just no pleasin' you Your lip tastes sour But you think that it's just me teasin' you [VERSE 1] G5 F5 G5 Bb5 F5 You got a re - ac - tion G5 F5 G5 Bb5 C5 D5 F5* G5* You got a re - ac - tion, did-n't you? G5 F5 G5 Bb5 F5 F5 G5 Bb5 You took a white or - chid G5 F5 G5 Bb5 C5 D5 F5* G5* You took a white or - chid, turned it blue [CHORUS] D5 C5 Bb5 G5 D5 C5 Bb5 G5 Get be-hind me D5 C5 Bb5 G5 F5 F5 F5 G5 Get be-hind me now, an - y - way D5 C5 Bb5 G5 D5 C5 Bb5 G5 Get be-hind me D5 C5 Bb5 G5 F5 F5 F5 G5 Get be-hind me now, an - y - way 8/8^ (Harmonic doubling switches from lower to higher octave) e|---------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------| G|-7p5--------7p5-----------7p5----------------------| D|-----8b---------8b-5~(/)------8b-------------------| A|--------8------------------------8--8--8--8-8-10~--| E|---------------------------------------------------| G5 8/8v (Back to low-octave doubling) e|-------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------------| G|-7-p-5----------7p5------------7-p-5-------------------| D|-------8b-----------8b-5~(/)---------8b----------------| A|------------8-----------------------------8--8----8-8--| E|-------------------------------------------------------| Get behind me Get behind me now, any - way [INTRO] Hoo Hoo [VERSE 1] G5 F5 G5 Bb5 F5 You got a re - ac - tion G5 F5 G5 Bb5 C5 D5 F5* G5* You got a re - ac - tion, did-n't you? G5 F5 G5 Bb5 F5 F5 G5 Bb5 You took a white or - chid G5 F5 G5 Bb5 C5 D5 F5* G5* You took a white or - chid, turned it blue