x I only know some parts of this song so try and use them or make it up as ur goin along, its not really that hard as its only the Pistols we r talkin about. Not like they ever followed the same old guitar riffs in each song over and over they made it up as they went along to. But thats wat made them great. e----------------| b----------------| g----------------| d-7777777777777~- x1 a-7777777777777~- E-5555555555555~- Main Riff e----------------- --------------| b----------------- --------------| g-----------7----- --------------| d-7-77-7-47-7---x3 -7-77-7-47-0~-|x1 a-7-77-7-47-5----- -7-77-7-47-0~-| E-5-55-5-25------- -5-55-5-25-0~-| Gtr 2 e----- b----- g----- d-7~-- guitar 2 plays this through the main riff. a-7~-- Listen to the cd for timing. E-5~-- Verse e----------------------| b----------------------| g-------------------77-| d-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-4-4-77-| a-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-4-4-55-| E-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-2-2----| Suburbian kid and ya got no name.............................. Chourus e------------------| b------------------| g-9999999---7-9999-| repeat for how ever many times needed d-7777777-7-7-7777-| a-7777777-7-5-7777-| E---------5--------| so i hope thats helpful? im only 15 so if u could rate me cheers heaps.