Tabbed by:shadowsfall0413 Email:[email protected] Tuning:I think this is in D but it might be in Standard. For my first tab I figured that I'd choose something easy. This is about as simple as can get when it comes to 3 note chords. This is the only part of the song (from what i can that has guitar in it. It's the chorus and it's all palm muted. Repeat it 4 times for each chorus. x x xxxxxxx x x x x x x xxxxxxx x x x x e|-----------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------------------| D|0-0---0000002-2---2-2-2-4-4---4444447-7---7-7-7| A|0-0---0000002-2---2-2-2-4-4---4444447-7---7-7-7| E|0-0---0000002-2---2-2-2-4-4---4444447-7---7-7-7|