You must play every riff with tremolo picking (Repeat 'em as necessary) RIFF1: |-----------------------------| |-----------------------------| |-----------------------------| |-12--10--9--10--10--9--10--9-| |-0---0---0--0---7---7--7---7-| |-----------------------------| RIFF2: |----------------| |----------------| |----------------| |-7--8--7--9--10-| |-0--6--0--8--8--| |----------------| RIFF3: |------| |------| |------| |------| |-2--3-| |-0--1-| That's all!!!! Man, this is THE black metal song and one of the easier to play :) I'm pretty sure it's 100% correct. :) If you are so good to find any mistake mail me at [email protected] HAIL YLLIA!