[email protected] The notes in brackets are just notes, not chords. The G chord before [F#-F-E D-E-D] is played very briefly before the notes come in. It probably doesn't really matter if you play the G at all, but I think it's there. I think this sounds best with the recording if you barre G and Cm, and mute the E string in the Cm, if you're playing guitar, that is... intro riff [D-F-D G G]x4 then [D-F-D] G Cm Morning prayers took the girl unawares F C She was late for class and she knew it G Cm The broadcaster had a voice that was soothing F C She couldn’t tell if it was a man or wo-man A C G [F#-F-E D-E-D] A patch of sun fell onto her neck A C G [F#-F-E D-E-D] She put her head on her arms on her desk G Cm The lesson today was Acts of Apostles F C The crazy hippies, they’re running scared G Cm She shut her eyes and imagined the desert F C No cars, no mobiles, just sun and bread A C G [F#-F-E D-E-D] What would she look like standing by the well? A C G [F#-F-E D-E-D] More like a women and less like a girl Bb Eb “Oh, if I could make sense of it all! Bb Eb I wish that I could sing. I’d stay in a melody Bb I would float along in my everlasting song Am [C-B C-B] D What would I do to believe?” intro notes again: [D-F-D G G]x4 then [D-F-D] G Cm Later on she plays Morning Has Broken F C She knows she’s bad. She is slowing everbody down G Cm The choirmaster, usually a bastard, F C knows her mother’s sick. He’ll be nice to her. A C G [F#-F-E D-E-D] She thinks that she shouldn’t be there at all A C G [F#-F-E D-E-D] Her worries make everything else seem trivial Bb Eb “Oh, if I could make sense of it all! Bb Eb I wish that I could sing. I’d stay in a melody Bb I would float along in my everlasting song Am [C-B C-B] D What would I do to believe?” Repeat A few more times: Am [C-B C-B] D