xI was cind'a into ELO until I heared tis trak and I love it so I may as well TAB it. (Key: \=down strum, /up strum) Drop D tuning Intro: \Dsus4,\D,\\/Dsus4,\D,\Csus4,\C (Bass E(D)|-0-3-0-3-0) x2 Verse: D,C (same time as intro but random struming) Chorus: A,D ( x2 1st time, x4 others) Riff break: \Dsus4,\D,\\/Dsus4,\D,\Csus4,\C (Bass E(D)|-0-3-0-3-0) x2 (same as intro) I hope that this helps all you fythem guitarists out there and may you strum it until your old and happy. P.S. Plz rate my TAB cindly :) Rock TABer-><