歌手头像-Paul Oakley

Ever Faithful God

音乐人: Paul Oakley

xwords & music by:
Paul Oakley & Chris Spring

Capo 1

          A              D
All glory to the King of ages.
          A              D
All glory to the King of kings.
            F#m               D
His name is love, His name is Jesus,
          Bm            E
Enthroned above in majesty.

          A                 D
Into this world You came to save us,
             A                D
You bore the cross, You took my sin.
               F#m           D
You shone Your light into my darkness,
              Bm           E
Unveiled the truth, this mystery.

           Bm              F#m
You are my God, You are my Saviour,
            D               E
You are the Rock on which I stand.

              D      E         A
Ever faithful God, I cling to You,
                    F#m        E        A
In every way You've shown that You are good.
                 Bm      A          D
There's no other love compares with You,
        Bm              E
Forever strong, forever true.
              D      E        A          D
Ever faithful God, I cling to You.

            A             D
You are the end of all my searching,
              A               D
You pour Your grace on all my need.
          F#m            D
Unfailing love, unending mercy
             Bm                 E         D
Are found in You, the Prince of Peace.

           Bm              F#m
You are my God, You are my Saviour,
            D               E
You are the Rock on which I stand.
           Bm              F#m
You are my God, You are my Saviour,
         D               E
Eternal One, the Great I Am.


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