xThis song is in drop D tuning, and capo on 4, another person came close to nailing the song, but missed a couple key details. so here we go. INTRO e|------0h2-------2h3p2------2--|--5------0-| X2 B|-----------0------------------|--7------3-| G|-------------0---------0------|--7------0-| D|---0h2------------------------|--0------2-| A|------------------------------|--0------3-| D|------------------------------|-----------| VERSE pt 1 e|-2--------------------2h3p2-------2--5---3--| X3 B|-0-strum a couple -----------0-------7---0--| G|-0----times lightly------------0-----7---0--| D|-2-----------------------------------0---2--| A|-0-------------------while-----------0---3--| D|---------------------strumming--------------| VERSE pt 2 e|2----5---0--| X2 B|3----7---3--| G|0----7---0--| D|2----0---2--| A|0----0---3--| D|------------| CHORUS e|0--0--| x4 B|3--3--| G|0--0--| D|2--0--| A|0--3--| D|0-----| INTRO X2 VERSE pt 2 X3 CHORUS X4 Just play Verse pt2 when lead comes on and coninue until the end I will add lead soon, im too lazy right now