xI figured out alot of the songs on the new Casualties CD, so instread of making a bunch of tabs i decided to make the whole album. hope you like it Track List 1. Casualties Army 2. On The Front Line 3. Leaders Of Today 4. Criminal Class 5. Tomorrow Belongs To Us 6. Unknown Soldier 7. Scarred For Life 8. Static Feedback and Noise 9. Media Control 10. Death Toll 11. Punk Rock Tragedy 12. Brainwashed 13. Sounds From The Streets CASUALTIES ARMY e|----------------| B|----------------| G|--------------9-| D|-9-9--9-8-5-8-9-| A|-9-9--9-8-5-8-7-| E|-7-7--7-6-3-6---| x 13 End on e|--- B|--- G|--- D|-2- A|-2- E|-0- THE CASUALTIES-ON THE FRONTLINE verse e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|-9-9-9-9-9-9-7-12-9-9-9-| D|-9-9-9-9-9-9-7-12-9-9-9-| A|-7-7-7-7-7-7-5-10-7-7-7-| E|------------------------| chorus e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|-------------9-7-9-9-| D|-5-5-5-9-9-9-9-7-9-9-| A|-5-5-5-9-9-9-7-5-7-7-| E|-3-3-3-7-7-7---------| e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|-5-5-5-5-4-4-7-7-5-5--4-5-7-5-4-| D|-5-5-5-5-4-4-7-7-5-5------------| A|-3-3-3-3-2-2-5-5-3-3------------| E|--------------------------------| bridge e|---------------| B|---------------| G|-----------7-9-| D|-9-9-9-8-7-7-9-| A|-9-9-9-8-7-5-7-| E|-7-7-7-6-5-----| THE CASUALTIES-LEADERS OF TODAY intro/bridge/outro e|-------------| B|-------------| G|--9--7-------| D|--9--7--7--2-| A|--7--5--7--2-| E|--------5--0-| verse e|---------------| B|---------------| G|-9-9-9-7-----9-| D|-9-9-9-7-7-5-9-| A|-7-7-7-5-7-5-7-| E|---------5-3---| chorus e|----------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9-9-9-------12-9-9-12-9-9--9-9-9-------9-9-9-12-12-12----------| D|-9-9-9-9-9-9-12-9-9-12-9-9--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-12-12-12----------| A|-7-7-7-9-9-9-10-7-7-10-7-7--7-7-7-9-9-9-7-7-7-10-10-10----------| E|-------7-7-7----------------------7-7-7-------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |-12-12-12-12/10-8----| lead guitar part before solo------------| |-12-12-12---------9--| hold that (9) for 8 counts, then do solo--| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------15-12--------------------------------------------------| |-12-8---------------15/12-12-12----------12-10/12-12-12-10/12-12-12--| |------7-9~7~9----------------------12/14-----------------------------| |--------------------------------14-----------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |-10/12-12-12-10/12-12-12-12/10-8-------------------------------------| |-----------------------------9-------------------------7-7/9-9-9-9-9-| |---------------------------------7/8/9-9-7/8/9-9-7/8/9---------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |-9-9-10/9-7---| |------------9-| |--------------| end of solo, back to verse. |--------------| |--------------| |--------------| interlude e|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|-14-14-14-12-------14-| D|-14-14-14-12-12-10-14-| A|-12-12-12-10-12-10-12-| E|-------------10--8----| CRIMINAL CLASS intro e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|------12--9--9---| D|-9--9-12--9--9-9-| A|-9--9-10--7--7-9-| E|-7--7----------7-| verse e|----------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------| G|-----------12-12-9-9--9-7-9-7-9---------| D|-9-7-9-7-9-12-12-9-9--9-7-9-7-9-9-9-9-9-| A|-9-7-9-7-9-10-10-7-7--7-5-7-5-7-9-9-9-9-| E|-7-5-7-5-7----------------------7-7-7-7-| chorus e|-----------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------| G|-12-12-12----------9-9-9-----------------------| D|-12-12-12-12-12-12-9-9-9--9-9-9-12-12-12-9-9-9-| A|-10-10-10-12-12-12-7-7-7--9-9-9-12-12-12-9-9-9-| E|----------10-10-10--------7-7-7-10-10-10-7-7-7-| solo e|------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------| G|-----------12-12-12-11-9-9-9--9-7-9-7-9-7-7-7-6-------| D|-9-7-9-7-9--------------------------------------9-9-9-| A|------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------| e|------------------------------------------------------------| B|----12-------------12----------14-13-12-12--10^-------------| G|-11----14-14-14-14----11-11-11------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------| Tomorrow Belongs to Us Intro: -------------| -------------| -7-7-7-------| -7-7-7-7-7-7-| -5-5-5-7-7-7-| x1 -------5-5-5-| Verse: ------------------------------------| ------------------------------------| -11-------9-------11-------9---11---| -11---7---9---4---11---7---9---11---| x3 --9---7---7---4----9---7---7----9---| ------5-------2--------5------------| Chorus: -------------------------| -------------------------| -7-----------7-------9---| -7---7---2---7---7---9---| x2 -5---7---2---5---7---7---| -----5---0-------5-------| Verse: x2 Chorus: x2 ---- ---- -11- -11- --9- ---- right before the bass solo. Bass Solo. Then Play the verse chords but dont strum, just play each note once. Then play the Verse with palm muting: (* means palm mute x6) --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------| -11--11*---------9--9*---------11--11*---------9--9*--11--11*-| -11--11---7--7*--9--9---4--4*--11--11---7--7*--9--9---11--11--| x1 --9---9---7--7---7--7---4--4----9---9---7--7---7--7----9---9--| ----------5--5----------2--2------------5--5------------------| Chorus x2 verse x2 Then its: --------------| --------------| --11----------| --11---9---4--| ---9---9---4--| -------7---2--| Pick Slide... Chorus x2 Outro: ------------------------------| ------------------------------| --555-------------555-----11--| --555-555-777-444-555-555-11--| --777-555-777-444-777-555--9--| ------777-999-222-----777-----| Unknown Soldier e|----------------------------------------------------------------| b|----------------------------------------------------------------| g|-5--7-8--7------5----5--7-8--7------5----5---5-7-8-7---8-10-8-7-| intro. d|-5---------8--5----5-----------8--5----5---5---------8----------| a|----------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |---------------------------6-8-6-----------| |-----------5---5-7-8-7---7-------8-7-8-7-5-| |-8-5-3-5-5---5---------8-------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |---5-5555-7-8-8888-7----------5-5555-| |-5-3-3333-5-6-6666-5-8-8888-5-3-3333-| |-3-------------------6-6666-3--------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |--------------8/6---------------------------8/6------------------| |---5-5555-7-8-----7-7777-8-7-5---5-5555-7-8-----7-7777-8-7-5---5-| |-5-----------------------------5-----------------------------5---| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------8-6-8-6-8/6-------| |-5-5555-7-8/7-8/7-5------7-8/7-8/7-5-5-5555-7-8/7-8/7-5--------8/7-5-| |--------------------8-8888-------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------5----------------| end riff |---5-5555-7-8-8888-7----------5-----------------5555-| |-5-3-3333-5-6-6666-5-8-8888-5-3---------6/1/3---3333-| |-3-------------------6-6666-3------------------------| SCARRED FOR LIFE intro/verse e|-------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------7-7-7-8-7-| D|-7-7-7-7-9-10-10-9-10-10-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-8-7-| A|-7-7-7-7-9-10-10-9-10-10-7-7-7-7-5-5-5-6-5-| E|-5-5-5-5-7--8--8-7--8--8-5-5-5-5-----------| chorus e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-7-5--------7-5--------9-9-8-8-------| D|-7-5-7-7-7--7-5-7-7-7--9-9-8-8-7-7-7-| A|-5-3-7-7-7--5-3-7-7-7--7-7-6-6-7-7-7-| E|-----5-5-5------5-5-5----------5-5-5-| bridge e|----------------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-5-5-4-4-5-5-4-4-5-5-4-4-3-3-----5-5-4-4-5-5-4-4-5-5-4-4--8-8-8-7-7-7-| D|-5-5-4-4-5-5-4-4-5-5-4-4-3-3-5-5-5-5-4-4-5-5-4-4-5-5-4-4--8-8-8-7-7-7-| A|-3-3-2-2-3-3-2-2-3-3-2-2-1-1-5-5-3-3-2-2-3-3-2-2-3-3-2-2--6-6-6-5-5-5-| E|-----------------------------3-3--------------------------------------| Outro e|----------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------| G|-------9-9-9-------9-9-9-------9-9-9--7--5----| D|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--7--5--7-| A|-9-9-9-7-7-7-9-9-9-7-7-7-9-9-9-7-7-7--5--3--7-| E|-7-7-7-------7-7-7-------7-7-7--------------5-| Static Feedback and Noise intro/verse pt1 e|-------------------| B|-------------------| G|-9---9---12-12-7-7-| D|-9-9-9-9-12-12-7-7-| A|-7-9-7-9-10-10-5-5-| E|---7---7-----------| verse pt2 e|------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------| G|-9-9-9-9-14-14-12-12--9-9-9-9-12-12-11-11-| D|-9-9-9-9-14-14-12-12--9-9-9-9-12-12-11-11-| A|-7-7-7-7-12-12-10-10--7-7-7-7-10-10--9--9-| E|------------------------------------------| chorus e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----------------| D|-4-4-4-4-7-7-9-9-| A|-4-4-4-4-7-7-9-9-| E|-2-2-2-2-5-5-7-7-| Media Control intro e|--------------| B|--------------| G|--------------| D|-9-9--4-4-5-5-| A|-9-9--4-4-5-5-| E|-7-7--2-2-3-3-| verse e|-------------| B|-------------| G|-------9-7-7-| D|-9-9-9-9-7-7-| A|-9-9-9-7-5-5-| E|-7-7-7-------| verse e|-------------------------| B|-------------------------| G|-------------9-9-9-9-9-9-| D|-7-7-7-5-5-5-9-9-9-9-9-9-| A|-7-7-7-5-5-5-7-7-7-7-7-7-| E|-5-5-5-3-3-3-------------| chorus e|-------------------------| B|-------------------------| G|-------------------------| D|-9-9-9-9-9-9-4-4-4-5-5-5-| A|-9-9-9-9-9-9-4-4-4-5-5-5-| E|-7-7-7-7-7-7-2-2-2-3-3-3-| ending e|--------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------| G|-14-14-14-----------------------------9-9-9-------------| D|-14-14-14-14-14-14-9-9-9-9-9-9--7-7-7-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-| A|-12-12-12-14-14-14-9-9-9-9-9-9--7-7-7-7-7-7-9-9-9-9-9-9-| E|----------12-12-12-7-7-7-7-7-7--5-5-5-------7-7-7-7-7-7-| Death Toll intro/verse e|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|11111111-5/7-7/2----| D|11111111-5/7-7/2----| A|-9-9-9-9-3/5-5/0----| E|--------------------| chorus e|-----------------------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------9999-1111111111111111-9-1111111111111111----| D|-99999999-7777-9999-1111111111111111-9/1111111111111111----| A|-99999999-7777-7777--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-7/-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9----| E|-77777777-5555---------------------------------------------| outro to chorus e|-----------------------------| B|-----------------------------| G|11111111-14141414-7777-9999--| D|11111111-14141414-7777-9999--| A|-9-9-9-9-12121212-5555-7777--| E|-----------------------------| outro e|--------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------| G|-11-1111-11-11-9-99-9-9-6-66-6-6------------| D|-11-1111-11-11-9-99-9-9-6-66-6-6-4-44-4-4---| A|-9---9-9--9--9-7-77-7-7-4-44-4-4-4-44-4-4---| E|---------------------------------2-22-2-2---| Tragedy Intro E-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10---------5-5-55-5-5-5---------------| B-10-10-10-10--8--8--8--8 2x than-5-5-55-3-3-3---------------| G------------------------------------------------------------| D------------------------------------------------------------| A------------------------------------------------------------| E------------------------------------------------------------| Pre-chorus E------------------------------------------------------------| B------------------------------------------------------------| G-----7-7-9--------------------------------------------------| D-9-9-7-7-9--------------------------------------------------| A-9-9-5-5-7--------------------------------------------------| E-7-7--------------------------------------------------------| E------------------------------------------------------------| B------------------------------------------------------------| G-------11---------------------------------------------------| D-9-9-9-11---------------------------------------------------| A-9-9-9--9---------------------------------------------------| E-7-7-7------------------------------------------------------| E------------------------------------------------------------| B------------------------------------------------------------| G-------9-9-9------------------------------------------------| D-11-11-9-9-9-9-9--------------------------------------------| A-11-11-7-7-7-9-9--------------------------------------------| E-9---9-------7-7--------------------------------------------| Brainwashed intro e|-----| B|---7-| G|-----| D|-9---| A|-9---| E|-7---| verse e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|-----11-7-11-9-7-7-7-| D|-9-9-11-7-11-9-7-7-7-| A|-9-9--9-5--9-7-5-5-5-| E|-7-7-----------------| chorus e|-------------------------| B|-------------------------| G|-------------------------| D|-9-9-9-5-5-5-4-4-4-7-7-7-| A|-9-9-9-5-5-5-4-4-4-7-7-7-| E|-7-7-7-3-3-3-2-2-2-5-5-5-| bridge e|------------------------------| B|------------------------------| G|-----11-11-7-7--11-11-9-9-7-7-| D|-9-9-11-11-7-7--11-11-9-9-7-7-| A|-9-9--9--9-5-5---9--9-7-7-5-5-| E|-7-7--------------------------| end e|----------------| B|----------------| G|-7-5-7-9-7-9-11-| D|-7-5-7-9-7-9-11-| A|-5-3-5-7-5-7--9-| E|----------------| Sounds From The Streets Intro: -------------| --12---12----| -----9----9--| -------------| x8 -------------| -------------| Verse: --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------| --7--7-7--9--7----------------9--12-12-12-12--9--12-12-12-12--| --7--7-7--9--7--7--7-7--9--7--9--12-12-12-12--9--12-12-12-12--| x4 --5--5-5--7--5--7--7-7--9--7--7--10-10-10-10--7--10-10-10-10--| ----------------5--5-5--7--5----------------------------------| verse part 2: --------------------------------| --------------------------------| --5--5-5--4-----7--7-7-7-7-7-7--| --5--5-5--4--5--7--7-7-7-7-7-7--| x4 --3--3-3--2--5--5--5-5-5-5-5-5--| -------------3------------------| Bridge: ------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------| --9--9-9-9-9-9-9--12-12-12--14--14-14-14--| --9--9-9-9-9-9-9--12-12-12--14--14-14-14--| x4 --7--9-9-9-9-9-9--10-10-10--12--12-12-12--| ------------------------------------------| Repeat Verse x4 Repeat Verse Part 2 x4 Repeat Bridge x4 Repeat Intro x16 Repeat Verse x4 Repeat Verse Part 2 x4 Outro: ---------------------------------| ---------------------------------| --14--12--9--7--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--| --14--12--9--7--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--| x4 --12--10--7--5--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--| ---------------------------------| last time through, play the last chord 4x instead of 8x Now here are the lyrics for the album On The Front Line coming from the ghetto there's no future for the poor where the cops dont care if a bullet hits a bone where theres unemployment and no work for you and me a youth culture will rise to fight you all on the front line(4x) this is my town not a pretty place to be where a kids life is lost taking him into drugs see him fucking drown each day more and more rebel youth wake up and hear the call on the front line(4x) these boots i wear are stong and they are for work for the dead end jobs with no future or hope ive been victimized and oppressed for too long generation of scars fucking hear the call on the front line(4x) -casualties army new breed of today -generation of scars will fucking have their say -rejected and unwanted by the system -casualties army rebel youth take a stand we were taught to be hard to survive in theis world if you dont like my ways then fuck you all this is a call to all the rebels of today to unite and be counted and fucking be heard on the front line(4x) Leaders Of Today how are you doing - brainwashed, ignorant, and deceived beautiful words i will tell you on tv i will lie to the poor and give to the rich smells like money in the land of the free we are the leaders - leaders of today the ones who steal your money and the land your living on inflation and corruption, all will come to an end put me in power cause im savior man i will privatize the culture that you have by cutting off your benefits and all your social help we are the leaders - leaders of today the ones who steal your money and the land your living on i represent the oil and wealthy men dont care bout you cause youre just a lamb if you dont make a million, better say your prayers businessmen and bankers will multiply their wealth we are the leaders - leaders of today the ones who steal your money and the land your living on heres a lesson you should have learned i control your schools to keep you unaware this democracy is ruled by the man the only change is the makeup that we wear we are the leaders - leaders of today the ones who steal your money and the land your living on - i have the power, i will make you forget - the days of mccarthy and the red fucking scare - how about nixon and the watergate scam, - now its my turn to not fucking care Criminal Class criminal class - what you make me out to be criminal class - the jails you build for me on the streets of getting picked up for a crime for being different i am guilty from the start fighting back seems a senseless thing to do working for men now your fucking behind bars criminal class - what you make me out to be criminal class - the jails you build for me on the streets we are getting organized fight the system and their fucking corruption fight the law and theres no fucking turning back the boys are back and there back to take a stand criminal class - what you make me out to be criminal class - the jails you build for me on the streets law and order there is none the boys in blue can arrest anyone control the streets like a mafia rules the town protect and serve only when they do the crime criminal class - what you make me out to be criminal class - the jails you build for me judges make sure you dont really have a chance making bails only the wealthy can afford creating cells all over across the fucking land where the rich wont go in and the poor wont come out criminal class - what you make me out to be criminal class - the jails you build for me criminal class. criminal class - what you make me out to be criminal class - the jails you build for me Tomorrow Belongs to Us what do you think your country needs when she calls on the youth of today it means she wants you to fight for her a reason to blow us away you may think we are the important ones new faces to run this place our leaders dont think were worth too much the fact of the matter is... tomorrow belongs to us what do you think your leaders mean destroying the world of today it means that they dont really give a damn all they care about is their greed spending money on bombs and guns more than on the human race but who are the ones that will have to pay disease and starvation they create tomorrow belongs to us - turn on the tiv and the news says - america is doing okay - ok for the doctors and lawyers - city officials and your president - someon forgot to take a survey - of the real working men - the ones on the unemployment line -getting laid off in every state tomorrow belongs to us what do you think theyll leave to us a wasteland of death and decay it seems that tomorrow is looking gray no future for the youth of today if you think they give a damn better wake up from your dream they leave us a world of famine the fact of the matter is... tomorrow belongs to us Unknown Soldier oh. oh. oh. joe is out of school, didnt fucking ask for much couldnt get a job, the marines his last hope down at the frontline, with a gun not a toy kill many men, not asking what for oh. oh. oh. Joes family, the comrades next to him die one by one, his time is running out joe wrote back home his parents unemployed the rich are fucking laughing making profits from the war oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. joe is off to die, for another senseless war no arms, no legs - his mother cries at home joey wears the flag so proud to fight for us and for a government, that doesnt give a fuck marching to the left, marching to the righ marching on the frontline, what a fucking sight marching to the left, marching to the right marching on the frontline, what a way to die joey, joey, joey tell me what you see now joey, joey, joey please come back home now marching to the left, marching to the righ marching on the frontline, what a fucking sight marching to the left, marching to the right marching on the frontline, what a way to die Scarred For Life you got your junk - wasting away you couldnt care less - a dying friend you really look sick - the needle is deep youll never give it up - tell me for what scarred for life, scarred for life you dont gibve a damn so fuck you too on the street - wasting away begging for money - a dying friend selling your body - you heroin addict no hope, no dreams - nothing but lies scarred for life, scarred for life you dont give a damn so fuck you too you need a fix - dont look at me you need a hand - not again you two-time scum - now youre a bum your way of anarchy - aint for me scarred for life, scarred for life you dont give a damn so fuck you too Static Feedback and Noise Sick sick sick - Of the music of today Sick sick sick - We need a fucking change Sick sick sick - Their groups are such a waste Sick sick sick - I need anger in my brain Listen to the sound of the poets of today All on tour, right clothes, no heart and soul The ones on top don't care about you The ones on the bottom, they'll use you to get rich You - star on TV, you're fucking hell to me You - in the underground your head got to big You - two of a kind what a fucking waste of time Raise my finger in the air, i'll show you how it's done Noise - Give me some static and feedback Sick sick sick - Of the music of today Sick sick sick - We need a fucking change Sick sick sick - Their groups are such a waste Sick sick sick - I need anger in my brain Listen to the sound of the poets of today All on tour, right clothes, no heart and soul The ones on top don't care about you The ones on the bottom, they'll use you to get rich You - star on TV, you're fucking hell to me You - in the underground your head got to big You - two of a kind what a fucking waste of time Raise my finger in the air, i'll show you how it's done Noise - Give me some static and feedback Bring back the old days of The Ramones Bring Back those fast two minute songs Give me that two fingers in the air Cause punk is back and is back to stay You - The rebels with the fucking ripped up clothes You - Can't follow any leader or any cause You - That shouts and sweats at every show Raise your finger in the air and show them how it's done Media Control their ink - is the blood they inject on my brain - spreading lies on us im next victim in line no more - no more - no more media control reports - feeds off the war of man dishonest - they re part of a system controlled by the man the press - for the blinded mice controls - what you eat or wear whats in and what is out no more - no more - no more media control devil in disguise - is the ABC fuck the CNN - lying NBC FOX and CBC - UPI and BBC USA today - the real 666 Death Toll in god they believe - hate and war a crusade of men killing is wrong - hate and war for the church its ok death toll - on the rise no one cares, no one cares shot and beaten is the way of man torture and knifed - who will be next? worked to death by the ones you respect hate and death and war attack on demorcracy - hate and war its an invasion we take a country - hate and war its liberation death toll - on the rise no one cares, no one cares shot and beaten is the way of man torture and knifed - who will be next? worked to death by the ones you respect hate and death and war buried alive - hate and war burned and hanged bombed and starved - hate and war dead and unarmed death toll - on the rise no one cares, no one cares shot and beaten is the way of man torture and knifed - who will be next? worked to death by the ones you respect hate and death and war death toll - on the rise no one cares, no one cares Tragedy you got your life cut short no chance for what you wanted to do its cause youre marked for death didnt know you were born to lose you didnt see it coming you couldnt see it coming you couldnt start running you should have started running born to lose - born to die too soon born to lose - life cut short the devils looking for you born to lose - born to die too soon born to lose - life cut short the devils looking for you punk rock tragedy - oh oh you live your life too fast doing too many drugs and booze you didnt hink youd die but now you die too soon you got your life cut short no chance for what you wanted to do its cause youre marked for death didnt know you were born to lose - what you gonna do - your end had come too soon - with music in your heart - you exploded from the start - the future is looking up - now all thats left is dust - what are we gonna do - your end had come too fucking soon Brainwashed youre now in detention you couldnt pay attention be a good man kissing ass is the way brainwashed, brainwashed respect the tie and suit brainwashed, brainwashed respect the man in blue brainwashed, brainwashed they are better than you brainwashed, brainwashed they took your music books you got a football to be cool respect the teacher he knows best be a robot like the rest brainwashed, brainwashed respect the tie and suit brainwashed, brainwashed respect the man in blue brainwashed, brainwashed they are better than you brainwashed, brainwashed work to get your pay buying makes you a better man produce a generation of slaves the system never really cared brainwashed, brainwashed respect the tie and suit brainwashed, brainwashed respect the man in blue brainwashed, brainwashed they are better than you brainwashed, brainwashed - brainwashed from the start - brainwashing the youth - they control your brain - and keep you from the truth Sounds From The Streets sound from the streets - sound from the slums we are from a broken home noise from the streets - noise from the slums we aint got no nice clothes guitars from the streets - voice from the slums im spreading rebellious songs guitars full of hate - makin noise boots full of dirt - working hard beers to forget - the hard times noise from the street - let me out sound from the steets - sound from the slums unemployment hits my town noise from the streets - noise from the slums see the homeless all around guitars from the streets - guitars from the slums need to get out to stay alive voice from the streets - voice from the slums im spreading rebellious songs guitars full of hate - making noise boots full of dirt - working hard beers to forget - the hard times noise from the streets - let me out this is the voice of our streets the ones you dont see on tv the is the noise of the real working class the ones you dont read about in yout magazines sound from the streets - sounds from the slums robbing and stabbing in my town noise from the streets - noise from the slums crime and power all around guitars from the streets - guitars from the slums this punk music keeps me alive voice from the streets - voice from the slums im spreading rebellious songs guitars full of hate - making noise boots full of dirt - working hard beers to forget - the hard times noise from the streets - let me out....let me out There you have it If you have any questions or comments email me at [email protected]