xArtist - Train Album - For me, its you Song - All i ever wanted Tab submitted by tozzy: tozzy_1@hotmail .com "I just had a quick run through of this so it might be a bit out - give me some feedback any comments - cheers) Verse 1 - D/G/A D G A You were my ticket outta here D G A And I was your dream come true D G A You gave me everything I ever wanted G Except for you (Verse 2 - As Above) I convinced my self that over don't mean over And I convinced myself that I could fix it all G Two dreams collided maybe we got too excited for our own good (pre chorus 1) Bm A G No more - hold on we can make it Bm A G No more holding each other while the words all break it Bm A G A?..... Move on you know we'll be stronger in the end (Verse 3 - As V1 - D/G/A) Now I convinced myself that nothing could ever tear me away And I convinced myself that we'd look back and laugh at this one day Two lives collidin' baby We got too excited for our own good (as pre chorus 1 - Bm/A/G) No more - hold on we can make it No more holding our breath while the truth all breaks it Move on ya know we'll be stronger in the end (As V1 - D/G/A) Hey wait hey don't you know that this is there is where the whole thing went wrong Hey wait hey don't you wanna hear what I have to say Hey wait hey don't you know that this is where the strong go on (D/G/A finish on A) And all I ever wanted All I ever wanted All I ever wanted Was you (Bm/A/G) No more - hold on we can make it No more holding each other while the world tries to break us Move on ya know we'll be stronger in the end (D/G/A) Hey wait hey don't you know that this is there is where the whole thing went wrong Hey wait hey don't you wanna hear what I have to say Hey wait hey don't you know this is where the strong will go on (D/G/A finish on A) And all I ever wanted All I ever wanted All I ever wanted Was you