xUness- “ Woman Got Culture” Standard Guitar Tab This is a the notes in tab form of Uness acoustic version of “ Woman Got Culture” just like the version he played on Youtube. This is my first tab so deal with it, but I’m pretty sure you’ll like it. Just study the video to get the way to play it. ENJOY! 1st note 2nd note 4th 7th [---x----|--------|--------|-----] [---x---|--------|--------] [---x----|--------|--------|-----] [---x---|--------|---x---] [---x----|--------|-------- |-----] [---x---|---x---|--------] [---x----|--------|----x---|---- -] [---x---|--------|--- x--] [---x----|--------|----x---|---- -] [---x---|--------|--------] [---x----|--------|-------- |-----] [---x---|--------|--------] 3rd note 4th note 4th 6th [---x----|--------|-------- |---- -] [---x---|---------|--------] [---x----|---x--- |------- - |-----] [---x---|---x----|--------] [---x----|--------|-------- |---- -] [---x---|---------|--------] [---x----|--------|----x--- |---- -] [---x---|---------|--- x-- ] [---x----|--------|-------- |--- --] [---x---|---------|--------] [---x----|--------|-------- |---- -] [---x---|---------|--------]