xI wanted to figure out how to play this Tuba/Sousaphone bassline but couldn't find any tabs or anything on it. So this is a transcription to guitar, which could also be played on a bass. I just think it sounds funny and figured maybe someone else might like to have this. It's a fun song to play while following someone who can take a joke. If anyone notices something wrong with this tab, please inform me as to what. And if any tuba/sousaphone players out there that know the notes, please post a comment/correction send them to my listed address. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elephant Walk - Misc Traditional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: SomeRandomLeech Email: [email protected] Tuning: Standard e|-------|----|------| B|-------|----|------| G|-------|----|------| D|-------|-OR-|------| A|-8/13--|----|------| E|-6/11--|----|-6/11-| Then e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|-|Somewhat fast|------------| E|---15-13-16-18---11~H-15-13-| And repeat To do a distorted, elephant falling type end, just do a sort of random sliding up and down motion on the higher strings. Play around to find something you think sounds funny. --- Keep in mind that you can always move some higher notes to higher strings by lowering the fret number by 5 per string. In other words, fret 15 on the low E string is equivalent to fret 10 on the A string. Moving the notes around can help reduce the space you have to travel up and down the neck. Find an easy note pattern that works for you. __Legend__ ~H hold note Update 11/14/08 - Changed header, fixed some typing errors.