xThis song is made by a templeton highschool student it's not really a hard song to learn so.....any comments on how to play it. E-mail me at [email protected] or w8 until we post the music on youtube. -JC Obando Your Love’s with me tabs and chords Standard tuning – Capo on the 9th Fret Intro: E=3------P--2------P--0------P--x-------= A=-0-----A---0-----A---2-----A---3------= D=--0----U----0----U----2----U----2-----= G=---0---S-----2---S-----0---S-----0----= B=----x--E------x--E------x--E------3---= e=----x--!------x--!------x--!--------x-= G5 D/F# Em7 C9 Chords: G5 D/F# Em7 C9 G E A D G B e E A D G B e E A D G B e E A D G B e E A D G B e | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 0 2 3 3 0 2 2 0 3 3 0 3 2 0 3 3 3 2 0 0 3 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Song Pattern: Pluck 1 – Tap – Pluck 2 – Pluck 3 – Tap Chorus: (more emphasis on the high strings) E=---3----T----2----T----0----T----0----T----= A=---x---------x---------x---------x---------= D=---0----A----0----A----2----A----2----A----= G=---0---------2---------0---------0---------= B=---3----P----3----P----3----P----3----P----= e=---3----!----3----!----3----!----3----!----= G5 D/F# Em7 C9 Verse:(more emphasis on the low strings) E=---3----T----2----T----0----T----0----T----= A=---2---------0---------2---------3---------= D=---0----A----0----A----2----A----2----A----= G=---0---------2---------0---------0---------= B=---x----P----x----P----x----P----x----P----= e=---x----!----x----!----x----!----x----!----= G D/F# Em7 C9 Chord transition ( chorus to verse) After pluck 2 on C9 Keep strumming C9 upward and put more emphasis on the low strings Chord transition ( verse to chorus) After pluck 2 on C9 keep plucking C9 and put more emphasis on the high strings Interlude: The Interlude part is a combination of Hammer on, strumming, tapping and plucking. I listening to the song because it’s kind of hard to explain. 1st part G5 –Tap – D/F# - Tap – Em7 – pluck Em7 4 times 2nd part G5 – Tap – D/F# - Tap – Em7 – Tap – C9 – Tap 3rd part G5 – Tap – D/F# - Tap – Em7 Ending: (Fast Plucking) E=3--2--0--x-----------3--P--3--= A=-0--0--2--3---------0---A--0--= D=--0--0--2--2-------0----U--0--= G=----x--x--x--0----0-----S--0--= B=----x--x--x---3--3------E--3--= e=----x--x--x----3--------!--3--= G5 D/F# Em7 C9 G5 G5 Song Structure: 1 intro ( 1x) 2 chorus ( 2x ) 3 verse (singer comes in) ( 8x) 4 chorus ( 4x ) 5 verse ( 8x ) 6 chorus ( 4x ) 7 interlude (guitar solo) (1x ) 8 chorus ( 5x ) 9 ending ( 1x ) LYRICS: Your Love’s with me Chords G5 – D/F# - Em7 – C9 – G Verse 1: Footsteps on the carpet corridor The smell of lilacs on a sunday afternoon Seems like just yesterday that we were far apart And now the stars they call your name They play their hearts right through their souls The words they shape from strings of life And now the oceans drums have found a way to bring us peace Through coffee stains and glass remains of what we used to be Chorus: I love you, with everything I do I miss you, like the way you want me to Climb a mountain and fly the skies for all that we can see Just as long as your love's with me Verse 2: City streetlights dance across the sky the sound of lovers sing a happy hopeful tune Fairytales and dragon scales that spill from story books I won't ask you to close your eyes Your voice it makes me want to fly The wheels of fate take us away And now your eyes they tell me you're alright, you're here to stay cuz I finally see your smile, and everything you'll be chorus interlude chorus – this time repeat last line Ending