xPaloalto: http://www.paloalto-online.com/ K heres the chords for this song. E5 C/E5 Em Cadd9 G Am7 F#/Dsus2 Dsus4 Em7 e|-0----0----0----3-----3---0------0--------3-----0--------------------------| B|-0----0----0----3-----3---1------3--------3-----3--------------------------| G|-4----4----0----0-----0---0------2--------2-----0--------------------------| D|-2----2----2----2-----0---2------0--------0-----2--------------------------| A|-2----3----2----3-----2---0------x--------x-----2--------------------------| E|-0----0----0----x-----3---x------2--------x-----0--------------------------| strumming patterns \ = downstroke / = upstroke ^ = pattern 1 * = pattern 2 pattern 1 : 1 2 3 4 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ pattern 2 : 1 2 3 4 \ \ / \ / \ / Intro^: ||E5 x1 C/E5 x1|| x2 ||Em x1 Cadd9 x1 G x1 Am7 x1|| x2 Verse: ||E5 x1 C/E5 x1|| x8 Pre-Chorus*: ||G x1 F#/Dsus2 x1 E5 x2|| ||G x1 F#/Dsus2 x1 Cadd9 x1 Dsus4 x1|| x1 Chorus: ||Em7 x1 Cadd9 x1 G x1 Am7 x1|| x3 Verse^: ||E5 x1 C/E5 x1|| x4 Pre-Chorus*: ||G x1 F#/Dsus2 x1 E5 x2|| ||G x1 F#/Dsus2 x1 Cadd9 x1 Dsus4 x1|| x1 Chorus: ||Em7 x1 Cadd9 x1 G x1 Am7 x1|| x3 ||Cadd9 x2|| x1 Break: ||Em7 x1 Cadd9 x1 G x1 Am7 x1|| x2 (i've not tabbed the solo, so i can only give backing chords) Verse^: ||E5 x1 C/E5 x1|| x4 Chorus*: ||Em x1 Cadd9 x1 G x1 Am7 x1|| x4 Outro^: ||E5|| x8 and thats the entire song.........