This is my first Tab so I hope you like it! I have it in two different keys, so whichever fits you best. If you have any questions just contact me at my e-mail: [email protected] Verse 1 A E Come Thou Fount of every blessing, A D E A Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; A E Streams of mercy, never ceasing, D E A Call for songs of loudest praise. A D A Teach me some melodious sonnet, A D A Sung by flaming tongues above; A E Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, A D E A Mount of Thy redeeming love. e---------------------------------------------------------------------| B---7--5--3---3----7--10--5----5---7--10--12---10---7--5--3-----------| G---------------------------------------------------------------------| D---------------------------------------------------------------------| A---------------------------------------------------------------------| E---------------------------------------------------------------------| x2 e-------------------------------------------------------------------------| B--7---10-12--15---14---12--10--12--10--7---7--10--12--15--14--12--10--15-| G-------------------------------------------------------------------------| D-------------------------------------------------------------------------| A-------------------------------------------------------------------------| E-------------------------------------------------------------------------| e-------------------------------------------------------------------| B---7--5--3---3----7--10--5---5----7--10--12---10---7--5--3---------| G-------------------------------------------------------------------| D-------------------------------------------------------------------| A-------------------------------------------------------------------| E-------------------------------------------------------------------| Verse 3 D A Oh, to grace how great a debtor, A G A D Daily I'm con-strained to be! D Bm A Let Thy good ness, like a fetter, A G A D Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee. D Bm A Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Bm A D Prone to leave the God I love; D A Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it, A G A D Seal it for Thy courts a-bove. There you have it. As you can see the end of the tab is the same as the beginning, you only play it once at the end.