xGodsmack - Faceless from the "Faceless" album tabbed by TenTonHammer Got a little bored so I'd figured I'd tab this out. You'll have to figure out the song order & the solo yourself :) Tuning: Drop D (DADGBe) w/ wah: e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----------------| D|-----8-----8---8-| A|-----6-----6---6-| D|-0-0---0-0---0---| tremolo picking (as fast & often as you can) e|-----------------------| B|-----------------------| G|-7-7-7-7-/-19-19-19-19-| D|-x-x-x-x-/--x--x--x--x-| A|-5-5-5-5-/-17-17-17-17-| D|-----------------------| e|---------------| B|---------------| G|---------------| D|-3-1-0-1-0-1-3-| A|-3-1-0-1-0-1-3-| D|-3-1-0-1-0-1-3-| e|---------------|---------------| B|---------------|---------------| G|---------------|---------------| D|---------------|----------10-8-| A|-0-000-0-0-6-6-|-0-000-0-0-8-6-| D|-0-000-0-0-----|-0-000-0-0-----| . ... . . . ... . . e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|-7--7--7--7-10-10-10-10--------------| A|-5--5--5--5--8--8--8--8--1-1-1-1-1-1-| D|-5--5--5--5--8--8--8--8--1-1-1-1-1-1-| . . . . . . . = Palm mute x = Dead note / = Slide I think I've got all the riffs now, I'm sure you can puzzle out when they're supposed to be played :) Have fun.