Jake La Botz - lost child (tab by Nickey Whitfield) Intro and Chorus e|-----------------10-------------5-----------8-----------3--------10---| B|-----------------10-------------5-----------8-----------3--------10---| G|-----------------11-------------5-----------9-----------4--------11---| D|-----------------12----12-------7---7------10---10------5--------12---| A|-------3------12-------------7----------10------------5-------12------| E|---3h5-----10--------10----5------5---8-------8-----3------10---------| e|--10-x--5-5---5--x-x--8--7--5--3--| B|--10-x--5-5---5--x-x--8--7--5--3--| G|--11-x--7b9r7-5--x-x--9--7--5--4--| D|--12-x--------7--x-x-10--9--7--5--| A|--12-x--------7--x-x-10--9--7--5--| E|--10-x--------5--x-x--8--7--5--3--| e|-------3-3-3--5--6--7----------------------3--3-3--3--5--6--7--7-7--x-x-------------| B|-------3-3----------0----------------------3--3-3--3--0--0--0--0-0--x-x----1----5---| G|-------4-4----------7------12-12---0-0-----4--4-4--4--5--6--7--7-7--x-x----2----5---| D|-----5--------------5-----9-------9--------5--5-5--5--4--5--5--6-6--x-x----3----5---| A|---5----------------0---10------12-------5----5-5--5--0--0--0--0-0--x-x------/7-----| E|-3---------3--5--6--7------------------3------3-3--3--5--6--7--7-7--x-x--1----------| Verse Am - F - Am - F - C - D - G Are you a lost child? Are you a long lost child Are you a lost child a long lost child Well are you a lost child Long lost child Are you a lost child a long lost child? Well are you looking for home Are you looking for home Did you see all the sights that you wanted to see Is everything right where you thought it should be Have you heard the screaming of the bird or do you just hear the melody Are you looking for home Looking for home Did you just come here to get your money changed They have better rates at the needle exchange And while you’re down there don’t forget to tip the strippers with your food stamps Are you looking for home Looking for home Hey hey. Are you a lost child Are you a long lost child Are you a lost child a long lost child Well are you looking for home? Are you looking for home Did you take your wedding ring off before you jacked off Did you show momma your sketch of Santa Claus With one arm behind his back he’s holding a switchblade Are you looking for home Are you looking for home Did you have enough sense to pay up the rent It looks like you’re trying to pitch a one man tent But down in the hole there’s a snake driving up your stakes Are you looking for home Looking for home Hey hey. Are you a lost child Are you a long lost child Are you a lost child long lost child Hey hey. Are you