Artist: Calvin Harris Song: Colours Album: I Created Disco All right ladies and gents, there are two ways one can play this song: There is the legitimate way which goes like this Verse: "I don't care what you dress like, or who you are" A Eadd9 E6 F#m e:-12-12----14-14--------------------|| B:-14-14----12-12----14-14----14-14-.|| G:-14-14----13-13----13-13----14-14--|| x however D:-------------------14-14----16-16-.|| A:-----------------------------------|| E:-----------------------------------|| Chorus: "Put some colours on" A C#m e:-12-------16--|| B:-14-------17--|| G:-14-------18--|| D:--------------|| A:--------------|| E:--------------|| Or there's the more fun, acoustic campfire style way: A Eadd9 E6 F#m e:-0--2---------2--|| B:-2--0-----2---2--|| G:-2--1-----1---2--|| choose your own pattern D:-2--2-----2---4--|| A:-0--2-----2---4--|| E:----0-----0---2--|| A C#m e:-0--------4---|| B:-2--------5---|| G:-2--------6---|| D:-2--------6---|| A:-0--------4---|| E:--------------|| And, by the way... the bass riff: G:--------------------|-----------------------| D:-7p4--------------4-|-----------------------| A:----4-7---4-7-4-7---|-----------------------| E:--------------------|-2-2-2--2-2------------| Complaints? Criticisms? Need a date? e-mail me at [email protected]