歌手头像-Sara Evans

Saints And Angels

音乐人: Sara Evans

Title:Saints and Angels
Artist: Sara Evans 
Album: Born to Fly

  No Capo  
 D                 C         G
We're only human,  baby
D                  C           G
We walk on broken  ground
G           D
We  lose our way
G         D
We come  unwound
D              C              G
We'll turn in circles,  baby
D            C    G
We're never  satisfied
G                   D
We'll fall from  grace
G                     D
Forget we can  fly
                     G        C                  D
But through all the tears that we  cried
We'll  survive   

                       G              D
Cause when we're  torn  apart
Em                     C
Shattered and  scarred
G                       D        Em   C
Love has the  grace to save us
                  G                    D
We're just two tarnished  hearts
Em                               C
When in each other's  arms
G                    D             C
We become saints  and angels.   
D                 C    G
I love your  imperfections
D                  C    G
I love your  everything
G                      D       G                 D
Your broken  heart, your broken  wings
D                  C         G
I love you when you hold  me
D                       C     G
And when you turn  away
G               D          G       D
I love you still and I'm not  afraid
  G           C                                  D
Cause I know you feel the same  way
And  you'll stay   


   G              C
These feet of clay (these feet of  clay)
G       C    D     G
They will not stray   



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