歌手头像-Led Zeppelin

Good Times Bad Times

音乐人: Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin
Good Times Bad Times
Tabber:Brian Gelvin

This is somewhat an easy song once you get the patern and speed right.
The 2 guitar lines will not be
completly lined up, but I'll do my best.
There are 3 guitars elctric 6-strings 1, 2, and 3
Standard tuning.

\=slide down
/=slide up
BB=bend 2 full steps
Bb=bend 1 and a half step
B=bend a full step
b=bend a half step
^=bend one-forth step
R=return bend
x=finger mute
PM=palm mute
p=pull off
Intro:Guitar 1

|                                                      In the
|Guitar 2

Verse 1:
|days of my youth I was told what it means to be a man.__

| And now I've reached that age I've tried to do all those things the best I

|can._                           No mat-ter how I try find my way in-to the same old jam.
|                         PM|

|                            Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share.___ Well, my

|woman left home for a brown eyed man But I still don't seem to care.___
Guitars 1 & 2
Six-teen I fell in love with a girl as sweet as could be.  It

only took a couple of days 'till she was rid of me._   She

swore that she would be all mine and love me'till the end, but

|--------11p9-11--4-2-4-2----------11p9-11--4p2-4/(5)-|*Parenthesised notes
|--------11p9-11--4-2-4-2----------11p9-11--4p2-4/(5)-| are played by
|---4--------------------------4----------------------| Guitar 1 only.
when I whispered in her ear I lost another friend.  Oh!

Guitar 1
|Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share.  Well, my
|Guitar 2

|wo-man left home for a brown eyed man,__ but I still don't seem to care._____

Solo:Guitar 1
|Guitar 2
|Guitar 3
*Gruadually slide on all of the guitar 3 parts.


|-----------------------------------| *hold the bend then evenly release it.

|------------19-----------19----19-19B~x-x-x-| *these 3 notes are
|--------------------------------------x-x-x-| thirdy second
|--------------------------------------------| notes


NOTE:The 2nd guitar is to be played
with guitar 1 evenly but the solo is
big and I can't fit all of guitar 1's
stuff to match the 2nd guitar.




Guitar 1
|Good times, bad times,_____  you
|Guitar 2

|know I've had my share.__  Well, my

|woman left home for a brown eyed man,_ but I

|still don't seem to care._________

    Gruadually slide down


|I don't care__ what the neigh-bors____  say,______

|I'm gon-na love____ you each and ev-'ry day.______

|I know what it means to be a-lone,____

|I sure wish I was at home.____________

Begin Fade
|                       You can feel the beat__ with-in__ my


|Realize sweet babe we ain't never gonna part.__

|                                                Fade out



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