Hey Boys and Girls! This is 'the Wild Sea' I'm kind of surprised no one tabbed this song already, it's pretty simple stuff. Intro C F Dm A Bb E-8--8--8--8-|-----------|5-3-1-0-1-|5-3-1-0-1-|-------0-|1-------| A-8--8--8--8-|-----------|----------|----------|2-2-2-3--|-3------| D-9--9--9--9-|-----------|----------|----------|---------|--------| G-10-10-10-10|-----------|----------|----------|---------|--------| B-10-10-10-10|---3-3-3---|----------|----------|---------|--------| E-8--8--8--8-|--3-2-1-0--|----------|----------|---------|--------| F Dm A Bb C E-5-3-1-0-1-|5-3-1-0-1-|-------0-|1-------|-8--8--8--| A-----------|----------|2-2-2-3--|-3------|-8--8--8--| D-----------|----------|---------|--------|-9--9--9--| G-----------|----------|---------|--------|-10-10-10-| B-----------|----------|---------|--------|-10-10-10-| E-----------|----------|---------|--------|-8--8--8--| F Dm We ride The Wild Sea F And if you want adventure, Dm It's the place to be F Dm The sea wolves and the giant squids Bb C Are coming up from The Wild Sea F Dm And here's where I'll stay F Dm For ten years and a day F Dm We're on a quest to find hidden treasure Bb A And mystery on The Wild Sea E----------|----------|----------|-----------| B----------|----------|----------|-----------| G-5--------|-5--------|-5--------|-----------| D--5-------|--5-------|--5-------|-8---------| A----------|----------|----------|--8--------| E----8-5-6-|----8-5-6-|----8-5-6-|-----5-6-8-| "Now the Sun she's shining..." F Dm Sailing on and on and on and on A Bb Into the ocean, Into the sun F Dm My boat, A Viking, My dad and me A Bb On The Wild Sea F Dm A Bb C C C F Now we're taking on water Dm In the Dead Dog's Galley F Dm A man overboard everyday F Captured by pirates Dm In the isle of donuts Bb Rescued by some maidens C Who then ran away F Dm And here's where we'll be F Dm We never know what we'll see F We can battle ghosts Dm On the bottom of the ocean A Or ride the waves Bb Of The Wild Sea E----------|----------|----------|-----------| B----------|----------|----------|-----------| G-5--------|-5--------|-5--------|-----------| D--5-------|--5-------|--5-------|-8---------| A----------|----------|----------|--8--------| E----8-5-6-|----8-5-6-|----8-5-6-|-----5-6-8-| "Now the Sun she's shining..." F Dm Sailing on and on and on and on A Bb Into the ocean, Into the sun F Dm My boat, A Viking, My dad and me A Bb On The Wild Sea Repeat until necessary End on F F E-5 E-1h5 B-6 B-1-- G-5 orG-2-- D-7 D-3-- A-8 A-3-- E-x E-1--