great song,easy to play so.... enjoy!!!! intro E|---------------------------| listen to rythem of song to hear chord B|---------------------------| changes!!(its very easy) G|8--11----------------------| D|8--11-11-------------------| A|6--9--11-------------------| E|------9--------------------| verse just let the D# chord ring out while the guy sings.[You'll hear it.] Then play this this while the girl sings E|------------------------------| B|------------------------------| G|------------------------------| D|----------------44--66--------| A|44444444--6666--22--44--------| E|22222222--4444----------------| play intro this whole part twice pre-chorus palm mute the D# chord while the guy sings "....have you ever seen the light...." chorus rythem: E|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|8888--11111111--------------| D|8888--11111111--4444--6666--| A|6666--9-9-9-9---2222--4444--| E|----------------------------| lead: the lead in the chorus is played while the D# and F# chords are being played(the first two chords of the chorus).. after the lead the B and C# chords continue.(the last two chords of the chorus) this is the lead: E|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|--------6---6(7)6-8---| D|----6-8---8-----------| A|6-9-------------------| E|----------------------| any correctiona e-mail me @ [email protected] thanks.